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Time Management Coach

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How to beat overwhelm on your terms

time management

Tackling a Big Project: How I Managed My Time Effectively While Writing a Book

June 12, 2023

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Finding Time to Tackle a BIG Project: How I Managed My Time Effectively While Writing a Book

When you’ve got big plans on your radar, like buying a home, planning a big vacation, celebrating milestones and anniversaries, or writing a book…it’s easy to let the rest of your priorities fall to the wayside.    Sound familiar?


Ever wondered what’s needed to stay on top of your to-do list when tackling a big project? 

Maybe you’re in the middle of a home reno but still need to figure out how you’re going to manage that AND helping your kids with homework, school projects, AND dance recitals. Maybe you’re in the middle of planning a huge trip, but you also need to manage your volunteer hours, happy hour with friends, and a hectic work schedule too. 

While you’re excited for the end result, you just aren’t sure how you’re going to be able to get it done and do life at the same time.

Sound familiar? We’ve all been there a time or two. But my friends, you don’t have to be a time management coach to find balance. In this episode, I’m going to walk you through how I tackled a years-long project  — while paying attention to other priorities.   

How to manage your time effectively when tackling a big project

As you can imagine, writing a book is a lot. A whole entire book with more than 50,000 words is no joke, y’all! From the first time I thought about doing this back in 2019, to getting the ball rolling, there have been so many steps in between. 

But I didn’t just get to press pause on life and completely focus on writing the book either. 

I know that when we’re faced with big projects, things tend to fall to the wayside to make room. Or we never even start the big project because we’re not sure how we can possibly manage everything — we want to make sure we’re still giving time to our other priorities, right? 

I totally know that feeling, but in this episode, I’m going to share with you my process for managing my time well in the messy middle of it all, including: 

  • The first thing you should consider before you embark on a big project
  • The secret to making big projects feel less intimidating
  • The reason why your first step isn’t to dive in and take action, and what you should do instead
  • Why asking for help is a can’t-miss ingredient for making big things happen

Resources mentioned: 

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