Talk with a
Time Management Coach

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It's About Time Academy

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Transform your time with expert training and a supportive community that helps you live with confidence and intention, get things done, and focus on what matters most. 

Request a free 1:1 coaching session with an expert time management coach to gain clarity, set priorities and create a plan to take control of your time. 

Bring Anna Dearmon Kornick to your event or team for a fresh, fun take on time management—packed with energy, strategy, and real-life solutions that actually work.


How to beat overwhelm on your terms

In the hustle and bustle of our busy lives, it’s so easy to live life in default and get carried along by the tide of have-to’s and should-do’s. 

Before we know it, our lives are living us instead of the other way around. 

Life feels just plain outta whack, and work/life balance? 

Is that even a thing? 

Jury's still out.

Ready to step off the hamster wheel and start living with intention? 

That’s where I come in. 

A Time Management Coach For
Professionals And Entrepreneurs.

Hey There, I'm Anna

I'm on a mission to help busy professionals stop feeling overwhelmed and start spending time on what matters most






My Core Values

< Go Back

Breakthrough Brand

10. Podcast


9. Holiday:

At home!

8. Place to Be:

Pop Punk Music

7. To Listen to:


6. To Eat:

Did someone say more favorites!?


I help busy professionals master time management so they can STOP feeling overwhelmed and start spending time on WHAT MATTERS MOST!

September 2021

Joined the team at Clockwise as Head of Community

November 2019

Pressed PLAY on the very first episode of It's About Time 

May 2019

Said out loud, "I'm going to be a Time Management Coach!"

Spring 2018

Discovered Coaching and graduated from the World Coaching Institute.

March 2010

Kicked off my career in Crisis Communications and Governmental Affairs

August 2017

Quit my prestigious PR job and walked away from burnout in search of something better

January 2009

Managed one of the most hectic calendars in the country as a Congressional Scheduler in Washington, D.C.

My Timeline

where I've been

june 2023

Published Time Management Essentials: The Tools You Need to Maximize Your Attention, Energy and Productivity [McGraw Hill]

All things Southern, traditional, monogrammed, and blue & white!

Hosting a top-rated self improvement podcast about work, life and balance

Helping ambitious women master time management

Good conversation over chips and salsa - and a frozen strawberry margarita!

I'm reallyyyy passionate about...

View the media kit

Looking for anna's professional bio?

You know how they say that the things we do for fun as kids reveal who we’re meant to be as adults? As a grown up Time Management Coach, you might expect that I was the little kid creating detailed itineraries of how I’d spend my weekend, or that I LIVED for scratch and sniff sticker-covered calendars. 

Sorry friend, but you’d guess wrong. 

I grew up in the piney woods of North Louisiana, pretending to fly around my backyard as Peter Pan. All adventure, all the time. 

It wasn’t until I discovered Superman (the TV version played by Dean Cain in the 90’s) that I made the even more important discovery of Daily Planet reporter extraordinaire, Lois Lane. 

There were stories to be told, and like Lois, I was ready to tell them.

Do you remember the last time your work got you really excited?

The next thing I knew, I was submitting press releases about 4-H Club meetings to the weekly newspaper, and competing in speech contests about the future of agriculture.

 Storytelling on stage felt natural, and every step up to the microphone was its own adventure. 

Fast forward to graduating from LSU with a public relations degree, and my storytelling started taking shape on political campaigns, in the marble halls of Congress, historic government buildings overlooking the Mighty Mississippi River in Baton Rouge and eventually in the sleek offices of a boutique PR firm in the City That Care Forgot (that’s New Orleans, by the way).

From oil spills to droughts. From hurricanes to bankruptcy. Embezzlement, explosions, protests, safety recalls and more.

You name it, and I’ve probably escorted someone down a secret freight elevator and into a back alley to avoid reporters with TV cameras waiting out front.

Every day was a new crisis. Chaos to be organized

As you can imagine, living in constant crisis mode began to take its toll. 

I was exhausted, and longed for a change. A new life. One where I didn’t work weekends. Where I didn’t work late nights. I was tired of missing my friends’ baby showers, and sick of stepping out of family dinners to take calls. 

In an attempt to create a new life, I said farewell to crisis communications and moved across down to promote a hip museum - but didn’t realize that without changing my habits from the inside, I’d run into all the same problems in my next job. 

And the story continues. 

Before long, I was so riddled with anxiety that I started my days crying in the stairwell on the way to my cube. Or I’d cry in the parking lot, hiding behind the steering wheel of my Jeep, hoping no one could see me. 

My boundaries were nonexistent. My priorities? Whatever someone asked me for in that moment. My progress on projects? Zero. 

I knew there had to be a better way.

I knew that success and stress didn’t have to go hand in hand.

And that just maybe, I could figure this out and somehow use my communications background, my passion for storytelling and this ability I’d cultivated for creating order out of chaos to help people dig their way out of the dark place I’d found myself in. 

So I quit. 

I read books. Started a calligraphy business. Took webinars. Read more books. Closed a calligraphy business. Kept reading. Kept learning. Became a Certified Myers-Briggs practitioner (ENTJ, if you’re curious). More learning. Became a coach. Became a speaker. Found my calling. 

I’m a Time Management Coach for busy people with real lives. 

Lives with laughter and margaritas and piles of laundry and spilled dog food. 

Messy lives. Lives with deadlines, and bills to pay, and vacations to plan. I’ve got a messy life just like yours.

My husband Scott and I live right outside of Baton Rouge, La. with our girls Camilla and Elizabeth, our pup Penelope and a few piles of laundry at any given moment.

And I’m obsessed with helping you figure out how to spend your time on what truly matters. 

What you want YOUR story to look like. 

It took me years to learn, and fail, and learn some more that having the life of your dreams IS possible, and it doesn’t start with the blank pages of a shiny new planner. It starts from the inside. Time management is heart management. It’s self management. 

Everything I do as a Time Management Coach is rooted in the belief that we are given just one, precious life. And we should absolutely spend our limited days on this earth fully alive, fully present with our loved ones, and living for what’s most important to us. 

A life with adventure. With no regrets. A messy life, lived on purpose.

It’s never too late to rewrite the ending to your story. 

I 1000% believe that YOU can live that life you’re dreaming of. 

Let’s grab a cup of coffee and make it happen. 

Let’s start today.


Kind Words

I have more confidence in being able to tackle each week. I felt that Anna truly listened and was invested in making sure that got the help I needed. 

- Michele Zeller, Owner
Decor On a Dime

Working with Anna has given me the clarity and confidence I have lacked to make decisions, prioritize, create manageable boundaries, and force myself to respect myself enough to respect and keep those boundaries. I no longer feel guilty for placing boundaries on work, instead I see their value and can appreciate how boundaries create a better me and a better life experience.

Working with Anna has given me the clarity and confidence I have lacked to make decisions, prioritize, create manageable boundaries, and force myself to respect myself enough to respect and keep those boundaries. 

- Andree Miller

My top takeaways from working with Anna?
1. Confidence 2. Lower stress 3. I learned so much about time management 4. Improved my communication skills 5. Learned that I am not meant to answer emails all day. That's not my job!

My top takeaways from
working with Anna?

1. Confidence
2. Lower stress
3. I learned so much about
time management
4. Improved my communication skills
5. Learned that I am not meant to answer emails all day.
That's not my job!

- Vicki Evans, owner
Vicki Evans Events

Work with Anna

I would be honored to be your coach. 
Check out the options for working together!

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