time management

How to Use Sticky Notes for Better Time & Schedule Management

May 15, 2023

Reading Time: 2 minutes

How to Use Sticky Notes for Better Time & Schedule Management

This may sound controversial but… I’m not a huge fan of sticky notes. Why? Because they’re NOT a time management strategy. What do I mean by that? This is exactly what I’ll be digging into on this episode. Listen up to learn 5 ways to use sticky notes to be more productive at home and at work.

We’ve all used sticky notes before, right? 

Some of us probably use them every single day (guilty)! And while you know I’m all for making our lives a little bit easier and more manageable, I wouldn’t say I’m their biggest fan — at least not when you’re using sticky notes to manage your daily life and your time. 

It’s really hard to delegate, organize, and plan accordingly when your life lives on a tiny square of paper. Don’t get me wrong — they can be fun and helpful. But if you’re using them for every little thing that may pop into your head, things can get chaotic…fast!

Is there a “right way” to use sticky notes?

As weird as it sounds, there is a right way to use sticky notes! Or maybe I should say a better way. It has nothing to do with buying the latest and greatest office supplies (even if they are helpful!) or a cute new sticky note bundle.

See, sticky notes alone are not a time management strategy, and they’re not enough to truly stay organized and keep up the speed of life. They can get damaged in an instant — and then your entire system goes out the window.

So how do you use sticky notes in a way that supports better time management? 

That’s what we’ll talk about in this episode, plus:

  • Five ways to use sticky notes to be more productive at home and at work
  • How sticky notes can help you stay focused on your priorities
  • The power of keeping positive statements and keeping affirmations visible
  • How to make big, complicated projects feel easier to tackle by using sticky notes

Resources mentioned: 

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