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How to beat overwhelm on your terms


Using Systems to Honor Your Priorities With Elizabeth McCravy

May 22, 2023

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Secret to Sticking to Your Priorities (Hint: It’s Systems) with Elizabeth McCravy

We all want more time to focus on what matters most, right? I’d say that’s the reason most of us are working so hard. But what do you do when life feels extremely busy, and you’re struggling to keep up with it all?  Is there a way to find balance between family life, work life, and finding time for things like passion projects and hobbies?

How to set boundaries


Whether you’re a working mom or a busy professional, we all have priorities that we’d love to honor. I mean, those things are why we’re working so hard, right?

We want to get a promotion so that we can earn more, and then be able to pay for things like a home care team so we can be more present when we’re off work. Or to have resources for a future event, like a weekend getaway or vacation. It may manifest differently for each of us as individuals, but the principle is the same — we all want balance.

But friends, what if I told you the secret to that isn’t about doing more…it’s about systems? That’s what my guest, Elizabeth McCravy, and I dig into on this episode!

Meet Elizabeth McCravy 

Elizabeth is a very talented ShowIt website designer, business coach, and podcaster! Her goal is to help business owners show off their value and stand out online. Which…as you can imagine is no small order, especially when you consider having a one-year-old at home too!

So, how does she do it? How does she stay on top of running a business, being a mom, and working with intention so she has time for the things she loves? 

That’s what we’ll be going over, including:

  • Bad job experiences that made way for better ones
  • Managing maternity leave and maintaining smooth operations while being out of the office
  • Adjusting your time management strategies as each season of your life changes

If you want to keep up with Elizabeth, you can follow her on Instagram —  or you can check out her ShowIt templates here!

Resources mentioned: 

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