time management

The Slow Living Secret: How Slowing Down Can Help You Live Your Most Authentic Life ft. Stephanie O’Dea

April 8, 2024

Reading Time: 2 minutes

How to set boundaries

The Slow Living Secret: How Slowing Down Can Help You Live Your Most Authentic Life ft. Stephanie O’Dea

Ever feel like life moves way too fast? Me too – and today’s guest is here to share how to slooooow down. Stephanie O’Dea was a full-time working mom when she realized she wanted to spend more quality time with her family – so she found a way to make money online, which led to her writing 10 books that helped others live a slower lifestyle.


A lot of times, when we think about time management and productivity our mind often goes to the idea of fast. As in – getting more done in less time, crossing off more in our to-do list during the day, working more efficiently, working faster, working smarter not harder. 

It’s super easy to find lists of productivity hacks online so you can clean your house faster, organize your closet in 15 minutes, and prep quick and easy meals for your family. 

If your family is anything like mine, especially in the mornings on the way to school – it can begin to feel like all of our time is spent rushing around. We’re hurrying to get dressed, we’re hurrying to eat breakfast. We’re hurrying to load up the car so we’re not late. 

All of this hurrying, the go-go-go, and the working faster and faster can be a little… exhausting. Do you agree? It’s kind of like running double time on a hamster wheel. Turning up the speed on a treadmill. Sure – we’re moving faster… but where are we really going?

That’s why I jumped at the chance to spend time with today’s podcast guest, Stephanie O’Dea.

Instead of living life in the fast lane, Stephanie’s all about taking things sloooow, living with intention, and being authentic to who you are along the way. 


Stephanie O’Dea is a New York Times best selling author of 10 books and host of the Slow Living podcast. She teaches strategies to meet personal and professional goals in a slow, steady, and sustainable way – no hustle required.  She lives in the SF Bay area with her husband, their three daughters, and a basset hound named Sheldon.

In today’s conversation with Stephanie, we talk about: 

  • How Stephanie’s desire to spend quality time with her family opened the door to becoming a successful crockpot blogger
  • The concept of compartmentalization in managing different roles in your life
  • How setting boundaries with social media can support slow living
  • The importance of reflection and intentional planning for personal growth and living life at your own speed

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