
Leveraging Slow Seasons in Life and Business to Lay the Ground for Busier Seasons

August 1, 2022

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Un-Busy Season: How to Use Slow Seasons to Set Yourself Up for the Busy Ones

Taking it easy may come naturally to some people, but for others, not so much. You may not know quite what to do when your business or your life isn’t keeping you busy 24/7. If your work and other commitments have hit a slow period, why not use this time to gear up for peak seasons to come?

Are you one of those people who can’t wait to kick back and relax at the end of a long workday? Someone who can put their phone on Do Not Disturb and veg out with Netflix? Or…are you someone who finds it hard to go with the flow and chill when you’re not busy? If you chose the latter (and even if you didn’t) this episode is for you. Summertime is often one of the slow seasons in business and other commitments. If you don’t have any big vacation plans or anything, it can be hard to know what to do with all the extra time on your hands.

Spoiler alert: You can prepare for busier seasons and still enjoy a slower summer. Let’s talk about how.

Check those pesky little things off your to-do list

First, we have to make sure that you know when your busy and slow seasons begin and end during the calendar year. 

For many of us, summertime is slow because people go on long summer vacations. But if you work in industries like event planning or wedding photography, or if you have more commitments when the kiddos are out of school, summertime may actually be a busy season for you. It’s a good idea to first pinpoint when your slow and busy seasons are so you can prepare for what’s next.

Once you have that all mapped out, I suggest looking at your to-do list. If you listened to Episode 115, maybe you’ve made a list of all your projects and tasks so you could put them in order by deadline and urgency. I hope that list helped you prioritize! 

Grab that list again and look at all the tasks and projects at the bottom of your list. Have they been done yet? If not, your slow season is the time to take care of them.

I’m talking about decluttering and filing your paperwork. Cleaning and renovating your workspace. Updating your email list. Getting new photos taken for your website. Outside of work, these tasks might include scheduling your annual health appointments, donating things your family has outgrown, and finally fixing that dang window or lock or leaky faucet.

These are the things on your list that are always pushed out because “they can wait.” Check them off your list for good now so you don’t have them on your mind when it gets busy again!

Audit your processes and make room for the new

Next up, I want you to review your processes to see what you can improve. What’s something you’ve wanted to change, implement, or get rid of in your business operations?

Let’s say you’ve always wanted to collect more feedback from your customers regularly, but you haven’t had time to work that out. You now have the time to set up an automated survey email to send to people who have recently purchased from you.

Audit your processes outside of work, too! What chore or errand can be delegated or outsourced to free up your time? What’s a pain point and what’s the possible solution? 

For example, if tidying up your home everyday is a total timesuck, consider hiring a housekeeper. If you hate making the drive to and from daycare — which is understandable, gas is expensive! — find a coffee shop close by where you can work instead.

Once you’ve streamlined those processes, now what? Do something new! 

When it’s busy, you rarely have time to brainstorm a new business idea, try a new business strategy, or even pursue a new hobby. Now’s your chance to do so.

Slower seasons are perfect for trying something new because if your new idea doesn’t pan out, it won’t impact your biz or your life as much as if it was busy. Simply ditch your idea or put it back on the shelf to be worked on later.

Gear up for the next season

The slow season is the time to improve, strengthen, or change any processes that are holding you back. It’s the time to clear clutter on your to-do list. And it’s the time to try something new! You’ll feel stronger, more confident, and more prepared for the beginning of your busy season.

Remember that you don’t have to be super productive during a slow season, however. Sometimes giving yourself a break can be exactly what you and your productivity level need. And remember that every slow period isn’t the same! Sometimes you may need a longer break one year; another year, you may be ready to do all the things. Listen to yourself and be aware of your needs first.

In this solo episode, I talk about:

  • Why you should figure out the slow and busy seasons in your life first
  • What part of your to-do list you should tackle during a slower summer
  • How to audit your processes and give them a tune-up
  • One last thing to make room for in your summer bucket list

Links & Resources Mentioned in This Episode

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with anna dearmon kornick

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