
Eat Right. Work Smarter. Find Balance: How to Prioritize Wellness and Shift Your Mealtime Mindset with Emily Johnson.

September 13, 2021

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Eat Right. Work Smarter. Find Balance: How to Prioritize Wellness and Shift Your Mealtime Mindset with Emily Johnson.

Hit the drive thru. Grab and Go. Eat on the Run. There’s no doubt we’re busy, and far too often our mealtimes turn into GO TIME. Emily Johnson, a Certified Nutritional Practitioner, has a pantry full of tips for being more intentional with what you’re putting on your plate.



I’ve got to tell you a secret.

I love reading recipes in Southern Living magazine. Keyword, reading.

I actually have an entire collection of ripped out glossy magazine pages with step by step instructions for everything from peach mango salsa and sweet potato pie to shrimp and grits casserole and grilled steak salad. I just counted – I have 26 torn out pages in a light blue file folder here in my office, and they’re just begging to be taken down the hallway to the kitchen and actually be put to good use.

But the thing is, while I love reading recipes and I like the “idea” of cooking – actually cooking kind of makes me nervous. I do like to bake, and as long as I have a recipe to follow, things usually turn out okay – but my kitchen apprehension is exactly why I was so excited to have today’s guest on the show.


Her name is Emily Johnson, and she brings her expertise to Woo Girl Wellness – holistic nutrition and lifestyle coaching for busy female professionals. I love how fun the name of her business is – and talking with Emily actually made me excited about getting into the kitchen.

About Emily Johnson

Emily walked away from a corporate marketing career to pursue her passion of holistic health, and went back to school to complete her degree as a Certified Nutritional Practitioner. Emily supports women on their health journeys focusing on diet changes, finding a sustainable balance, and educating how rewarding prioritizing your well being can be.

She offers 1:1 nutrition consulting, group style coaching, and is soon releasing a self paced online course: Clean Up Your Diet.  Emily created Clean Up Your Diet because she found a lack of education in North America dedicated to nutrition. Through working with her clients, she found similar challenges and decided to fill the gap by creating a learning opportunity that teaches fundamental nutrition practices to incorporate into your daily life with ease and at your own pace.

In today’s conversation with Emily, she shares…

  • Her go-to routine for kicking off a healthy, well-rounded day

  • How she accidentally started a habit that completely changed her life

  • What a conscious check-in is, and how to start your own

  • And of course – She shares many simple, practical ways to cook healthy meals on a tight schedule

Stay in Touch with Emily

Links & Resources Mentioned in This Episode

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with anna dearmon kornick

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