
The Kajabi Edge Podcast Interview | Get More Done With Less Time

April 12, 2023

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Time management isn’t one-size-fits-all. So how do you figure out what approach works for you?

That’s exactly what I got to talk about with Jared Loman on the Kajabi Edge Podcast. Read on for strategies on taking back your time based on your personality type, or listen to the full episode of the Kajabi Edge Podcast here!

From burnout to a blazing passion for online coaching ft. Anna Kornick

In this Online Business Edge podcast episode, Anna Kornick @annadkornick and host Jared Loman take some time (pun intended) to talk about her #onlinebusiness helping others master time management. Discover how Anna transformed her #burnout as a congressional scheduler into a blazing passion for one-on-one time management #coaching.

Time Management Personality Types

There are an abundance of time management theories out there, but not all of them work for everyone. One of the first things I do with my one-on-one time management coaching clients is give them the opportunity to take the Myers-Briggs assessment. The results are so telling to help direct us to which time management strategies will work best for them.   

Knowing your personality is crucial to finding a time management strategy that will work for you long-term. For example, some people thrive on a check list… while others will lose the checklist completely. Some people journal as a way to cut through the overwhelm… while others need to create a step-by-step action plan. 

So let’s say you’re someone who thrives on a checklist. I might recommend you try journaling because that’s what works for me, but because we have different personalities, journalling won’t work for you.

So many traditional time management strategies say “Do it this way,” but I’m here to say “Do it your way – let’s figure out what your way is.” 

Interested in finding out what your time management personality is? I created the Chaos to Calm Quiz to help you take your first steps. After this quiz, you’ll see results that show you exactly what you need to do to feel more productive, less stressed, and more balanced.

Take the quiz 

Get Clear on Your Vision

One thing that’s universal, no matter your personality type: time management does not start on the pages of your calendar. 

Instead, you need to start with what matters most to you. After you decide what matters most, you should then organize your time around that. So regardless of personality type, I always have my clients craft their vision for the future. They answer questions like: What do you want your life to look like in 6 months? A year? 5 years?

Let yourself daydream. Once you have that picture of the future, that gives us something to start reverse engineering. Consider the question “What are you doing now to make that vision a reality?” and edit your schedule accordingly.

This might require setting boundaries or saying “no” to opportunities more often. Parkinson’s Law states that work expands to fill the time allotted. If you have no boundaries around your work, it is so much harder to scale back and achieve your vision for your life than just having boundaries in place to begin with.

Eliminating Burnout 

Whenever you start to feel overwhelmed and burnt out, it’s important to take a hard look at how you’re spending your time. Ask yourself: Is everything on your calendar high value? Is it making an impact?

The Pareto Principle tells us that 80% of our outputs are a result of 20% of our inputs. This means 20% of how we spend our time is going to give us the highest impact for that time. If you’re starting to feel overwhelmed, be very critical and ask yourself: What are my 20% activities? What tasks are giving me the highest returns?

Let’s say you’re a business owner. Is it recording a podcast episode, because you know that’s what will grow and nurture your audience? Is it reaching out and building relationships, because you know referrals will build your business? Decide on your 20% activities, and then cut as much of the rest as possible.

And this is coming from someone who only works 5 or 6 hours a day, max! When I pick up my kids from school, there’s no burning the midnight oil at work. Whether it’s podcasting, one-on-one-coaching, or writing my new book (Time Management Essentials: The Tools You Need to Maximize Your Attention, Energy, and Productivity – hitting shelves in June!), I have to focus on those 20% activities to run my business. It truly is possible to get more done with less time. 

Want more? Listen to the full episode of the Kajabi Edge Podcast here.


with anna dearmon kornick

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