
Ebbs and Flows: How to Manage Your Time to Match Your Energy featuring Candice Coppola

June 17, 2024

Reading Time: 2 minutes

How to set boundaries

Ebbs and Flows: How to Manage Your Time to Match Your Energy ft. Candice Coppola

Do you ever feel like you have to be “on” all the time? Like you have to show up in your personal and professional life every single day dressed to impress and ready to conquer the world? The truth is, it’s nearly impossible to give 110% 24/7.


Do you ever feel like you have to be “on” all the time? Like you have to show up in your personal and professional life every single day ready to conquer the world? 

Whether you’re an off-the-charts extrovert or a textbook introvert, it’s impossible to be your best self all the time. We all have ebbs and flows of our energy throughout the day and month. Your energy right when you wake up won’t be the same at 3 o’clock in the afternoon. My guest, Candice Coppola, has learned to manage her time in a way that honors her natural energy ebbs and flows. 

Candice doesn’t look at her calendar as a blank slate to fill with things to do. She views it as a means to manage her energy. By incorporating energy management into her calendar, she is able to be at her very best for her forward-facing work – and easily say “no” to work that doesn’t honor that energy.

This episode is a great one to help you set boundaries that honor your natural rhythms. Plus, if you’re in a career that feels stagnant, you’ll be inspired to hear Candice’s career transition away from a career that was no longer serving her to entrepreneur, author, and podcast host.


Candice Coppola is an author, podcast host, business coach and entrepreneur who believes that you shouldn’t have to do business (or happy hour!) alone.

As a successful entrepreneur who grew a business from the spare bedroom of her home into a multi-country, multi-six figure company – it’s safe to say she’s navigated the bumpy road of entrepreneurship.

She started her first company, Jubilee Events, during the great recession in 2008. With NO experience and NO contacts, she grew it into a recognizable brand and team. Over 12 years, she worked with clients from all over the world and produced events in excess of 1M.

She launched The Power in Purpose Podcast in 2018, a show that explores how to build a profitable business with purpose—and the stories behind successful entrepreneurs who have. Candice and her audience dig in and have meaningful conversations about business and life, as they explore the strategies and techniques that build profitable businesses. Her podcast, rated 5 stars, sits on the Apple Podcasts charts as one of the top 100 podcasts in the entrepreneur category.

In today’s conversation with Candice, she shares…

  • The reason why she left the wedding industry for a brand new career
  • How Candice approaches time management based on her energy instead of her to-do list
  • How Candice drastically shifted her schedule from being available all the time to only two weeks a month 
  • How you can manage your time based on your energy even if you work as part of a team or in a corporate setting

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