In today’s short episode, I’m addressing three things.
First: The lack of diversity in my podcast guests.
Second: Two podcasts that you should tune into after you leave mine today.
Third: Why “not having time” to explore resources on inequality, racism and privilege is not an excuse.
Here we go.
The Lack of Diversity on It’s About Time
The past few weeks have shone a bright and near blinding spotlight on racial inequity and inequality in America. The horrific death of George Floyd is only the most recent in a tragic series of unnecessary deaths – and this has gone on for far too long.
As a middle-class, white woman living in a quaint suburb of New Orleans, who grew up in a small town in North Louisiana – I have experienced and benefited from white privilege my entire life, even if I didn’t realize it or recognize it. It’s like being a fish who swims in water – but doesn’t even realize the water is there… because it’s just always been there.
One thing that has become glaringly obvious – and embarrassingly so – is the lack of diversity of guests on It’s About Time.
Not counting today’s episode, I’ve published
33 episodes.
18 of those were solo episodes
15 featured guests
Since one guest episode included 12 contributors, and 1 featured 2 guests, I’ve hosted a total of 27 women.
Of those 27 women – only two were Black.
Ty Salvant, founder of NOLA Homeschoolers in the Bonus Episode about homeschooling during coronavirus stay at home measures
And Lee Ann Moss, an executive coach who contributed to Episode 25 about what’s working right now.
2 divided by 27 – That’s 7%.
7% of my guests have been Black.
That number is not okay. It’s embarrassing, and I’m sorry.
I can do better.
Reflecting on this – I realized the reason why this number is so low is because my scope of influence is primarily white – almost entirely white, and my podcast guests were a reflection of that. I haven’t actively sought relationships with black women – personally or professionally, but I’m grateful for the relationships and friendships that I do have with black women that have happened organically.
Having such a limited scope of influence is a mistake.
I want to do better, and I know that I can.
And one thing I’d like to note: This isn’t in response to being called out. No one has said anything to me. Maybe no one even noticed. But – I noticed, so I’m calling myself out.
As a result, I know there are so many perspectives out there that I’m missing out on, and I will change that.
Moving forward, I will actively seek opportunities to elevate more Black voices and create an inclusive community through It’s About Time.
It’s going to take some time for me to make that ratio what it should be, so I hope you’ll be patient with me as I’m taking steps.
Two Podcast Recommendations
In the meantime, I’m going to share two podcasts that I encourage you to check out in order to expand your perspective. I’m not making any assumptions about who you are or what you believe as I share these resources, and if you have recommendations, I’d love to know what they are.
First – Code Switch, an NPR podcast. Code switch is created and produced by a multi-racial, multi-generational team of journalists fascinated by the overlapping themes of race, ethnicity and culture, how they play out in our lives and communities, and how all of this is shifting. Consider starting with May 31st episode, A Decade of Watching Black People Die. I chose this podcast, because it provides insights into where we are now.
Second: 1619, a podcast from the New York Times that takes you back to the very beginning of slavery in America. The series is just 5 episodes and an introduction, and the longest episode is 43 minutes. I chose this one, because it tells the story of how this all began.
Obviously, this is by no means an exhaustive list, it’s just two of so many that are out there – but it’s something to get you started.
One Last Thing…
The last thing I want to mention before I close out this episode is this:
You. Have. Time.
If you’re on social media, especially instagram – then you’ve likely been overwhelmed with a mountain of resources – accounts to follow, books to read, podcasts to listen to, documentaries to watch.
Yes – it can feel overwhelming, and when things are overwhelming sometimes the easiest thing to do is nothing.
But – I want to remind you that you do have all the time you need to choose at least one resource and dive in. But you have to make it a priority.
In my recent workshop about getting a game plan for your winning week, I talked about three different types of priorities – boulders, big rocks and pebbles.
Pebbles being all of the little insignificant tasks in our lives. Rescheduling a doctor’s appointment, ordering more blue pens, washing your car.
Big Rocks are the deadline oriented, urgent projects in life that typically move the needle on our big goals. And Boulders are the most important things that aren’t urgent… things like meditation, worship, working out, and proactive work, like goal setting.
Boulders are those things that we have to schedule first and commit to making them happen – because if we don’t, life will quickly get overtaken by the urgency of big rocks, and the sheer volume of pebbles.
I challenge you to choose at least one resource in the next week, and to make reading it, watching it or listening to it a boulder in your life.
I’ll be posting those two podcasts in the It’s About Time Community, and asking for your recommendations for podcasts, books, articles and more so that we can share and learn together.
One last thing – if you listened to last week’s episode, all about the 5 things you need to take back your life – you heard me share information about an upcoming free training series called Chaos to Clarity LIVE, as well as group coaching opportunity called Take Back Your Life: 8 Weeks from Chaos to Clarity. In order to fully focus on the national conversation on race and spend time in reflection, both have been postponed until later this summer. I realized that in order to give myself and others the ability to focus on this conversation, I needed to take a step back and elevate other voices that needed to be heard more than mine.
Thank you so much for understanding.
If you’re enjoying It’s About Time so far, I hope you’ll take a moment to subscribe if you haven’t yet – I don’t want you to miss an episode! I’ve got a few bonus episodes in the works, and you might miss them if you’re not subscribed. Click here to subscribe on iTunes.
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