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Keep It Simple: How Minimalist Productivity can Maximize Your Time and Shrink Your To-Do List featuring Jade Boyd

February 10, 2025

Reading Time: 2 minutes

How to set boundaries

Keep It Simple: How Minimalist Productivity can Maximize Your Time and Shrink Your To-Do List featuring Jade Boyd

Your to-do list is a mile long. It’s got everything on it from “bathe the dog” and “organize kids’ closets” to “finish big work project,” and it feels like you’ll never get to the end of it. Here’s the truth: You might not NEED to get to the end of it…


We need to talk about your to-do list.

Yes, I’m talking about that ever-growing list that’s getting longer every day. The one you add everything to, from “make dentist appointments” and “pick up paper towels,” to “finish that big project at work.” You shift tasks from one day’s list to the next, you feel like you’ll check everything off, and you’re overwhelmed with all the work you have to do. Sound familiar?

Friend, you might just need Minimalist Productivity in your life. Today’s guest, Jade Boyd, is here to tell us all about Minimalist Productivity. Minimalist Productivity doesn’t ask “how will I get everything done on my to-do list?” and instead it asks “how can I have a shorter to-do list?” So you can focus on what truly matters and cut out anything that distracts you from what’s most important.

Let me introduce you to our guest, Jade Boyd.

Meet Jade Boyd

Jade Boyd is a business + productivity coach who helps burnt out service providers simplify and scale their business so they can earn their dream income while working part-time hours. As a “Business Minimalist”, Jade believes that simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. She helps her clients build custom strategies and systems that save them time while increasing their profit. Jade lives in Iowa City with her husband and daughter (due June 2024!). She spends her free time obsessing over her plants, reading 50+ books/year and doing DIY home renovation projects. Learn more about Jade at www.jadeboyd.co

In today’s conversation with Jade, she shares…

  • Jade’s journey of starting becoming a business and productivity coach
  • How Jade cut her business hours down after having her first child (without reducing her income)
  • What minimalist productivity is, and how you can use it to do what actually moves the needle in your life and work
  • How to stay focused on what’s most important when life’s distractions try to derail you

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