
Ditch the Stress: How Rest and Hormonal Health Can Help You Find Peace and Productivity ft. Rachel Rauch

July 15, 2024

Reading Time: 2 minutes

How to set boundaries

Ditch the Stress: How Rest and Hormonal Health Can Help You Find Peace and Productivity ft. Rachel Rauch

Have you ever found yourself in a state of constant stress? Like you’re always tired, never have the energy to get through your to-do list, and you’re surviving off of caffeine? Rachel Rauch, Doctor of Naturopathy and Certified Integrative Mental Health Professional, has practical tips for you.


Do you ever have that feeling where you need gallons of caffeine just to get through the day? Maybe stress follows you like a shadow, or you’re so exhausted that you can never get through your to-do list each day (and you definitely don’t have the energy to add “self-care” to your calendar).

I’ve got just the episode for you.

Rachel Rauch, Doctor of Naturopathy and certified Integrative Mental Health professional, explains how even if you think you haven’t gone through something traumatic, that sustained periods of stress – like being a caretaker without much support, changing careers, or feeling burnt out – can actually put your body into a constant state of fight or flight. 

And when you’ve got that high level of adrenaline and cortisol going for so long, it can be detrimental to your inner peace and productivity.

Here’s the good news: Rachel has practical tips to share in Episode 234 about how you can rest in a way that makes sense for you, reduce stress, and improve your productivity.


Rachel Rauch is a keynote speaker, Doctor of Naturopathy and certified Integrative Mental Health professional. With over 20 years of experience, she has worked with thousands of stressed-out women from all over the world to achieve balance in their mood and hormones. Rachel’s expertise is a result of extensive research on behalf of her clients combined with her own journey of discovering the correlation between nervous system health and trauma and chronic stress. Her insights have been featured in magazines, podcasts and weekly for the Teach Them Diligently Homeschool Organization. As a keynote speaker, she has spoken on stages around the country for a variety of associations and organizations like Nature’s Sunshine Products. Rachel is on a mission to help women restore peace and calm in their bodies by utilizing her signature program, Wholeness Restored.

In this episode, Rachel shares:

  • How she balances her time speaking, teaching, and researching as a Doctor of Naturopathy
  • Why rest is so vital to thriving, and how rest can look different for each person
  • How she helps her clients reduce stress by adjusting expectations and prioritizing what’s most important
  • Her best advice for when you’ve tried everything, but you still don’t have the energy you need

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