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Reading Time: 3 minutes

Setting and sticking to healthy boundaries is easier said than done. Saying “no” can be challenging, and the next thing we know our calendars are filled with other people’s priorities. Listen in as Ciji Townsend, host of the Being Balanced podcast shares what it means to be balanced, and how to define and enforce healthy boundaries in your life. Hint: It starts with getting clear on what matters most.

Balanced Not Busy: How to Set Healthy Boundaries and Actually Stick to Them with Ciji Townsend

time management

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Policy and Advocacy Manager Corinn O’Brien has found her secret to living happier, feeling more successful, and being more efficient at work than ever before. It all started by unlocking her Genius Zone work – where passion meets proficiency. After taking a hard look at how she was spending her time, Corinn created opportunities for others, increased her impact and is living proof that, yes, you CAN design a life you love and do good work that fires you up.

Passion + Proficiency = True Productivity: How Working in Your Genius Zone Can Change Everything featuring Corinn O’Brien


Reading Time: 3 minutes

The 24/7 nature of the modern workplace means that the boundaries between work and “not work” are blurrier than ever before. It’s even hard to know where your job title ends and your identity begins. Trust me, I’ve been there. In my conversation with Millennial Career Strategist Adunola Adeshola, she tackles toxic work environments, desperation hires, articulating your unique value, and separating your personal identity and self worth from the job title on your business card.

Work/Life Balance, Redefined: Why Your Identity and Your Job Title are NOT One and the Same


Reading Time: 3 minutes

Truth be told, I always thought that hiring a professional organizer was for fancy people. After working with Sara West, owner of South Coast Organizers, I learned firsthand the absolute joy and relief that comes from working with pro. Tune in and learn Sara’s best tips for decluttering, being intentional with your stuff, and what it’s really like to have someone else organize and edit your home.

The Life-Changing Magic of a Home Edit: What It’s Really Like to Work with a Professional Organizer featuring Sara West


Reading Time: 3 minutes

Are you a leader? Chances are – even if you don’t see yourself as a leader – others are looking to you because of your unique impact on the world. Not sure what that impact is? Executive Coach LeeAnn Moss is here to help you level up your leadership at work, home and in the community by sharing her best tips for cultivating your soft skills, making time for rest, and defining your unique impact before someone else defines it for you.

Level Up your Leadership: How to Define Your Unique Impact featuring LeeAnn Moss


Reading Time: 3 minutes

What even is productivity? Somewhere along the way, being productive evolved into doing as many things as possible, as quickly as possible. Cue the overwhelm and neverending to-do lists. Business Coach & Finance Teacher Katie Wussow knows that true productivity comes from doing the RIGHT things. But how do we know if we’re on the right track or if we’re just spinning our wheels? What ARE the right things? Tune in to hear Katie’s approach to productivity using priorities and personal goals as your guide.

Productivity, Priorities and Personal Goals: How to Go Beyond Your To-Do List and Get More of the Right Things Done with Katie Wussow


Reading Time: 3 minutes

We’re often taught that singing our own praises is a bad thing. Some of us were even told to “just work hard and keep your mouth shut” in order to move up the ladder. Danielle Bayard Jackson, owner of TELL Public Relations knows that there’s a better way, and in this episode she reveals her pro tips for being your biggest own biggest cheerleader and sharing your unique impact with the world. We also dive into friendship, battling burnout and setting healthy boundaries.

Time to Shine: How to Get the Recognition You Deserve Without Feeling Boastful or Braggy featuring Danielle Bayard Jackson


Reading Time: 3 minutes

If the thought of advocating for a higher salary, better working conditions, or raising your rates gives you hives, you NEED Lelia Gowland in your life. As a negotiation expert and author of You Got This: The Ultimate Guide to Negotiation for Professional Women, Lelia’s got you covered when it comes to asking for what you want. From her unique “parent points” system to what negotiation *really* is, tune in and walk away equipped to bravely negotiate from a place of authenticity.

Negotiation can be FUN! Be Brave and Ask with Authenticity featuring Lelia Gowland


Reading Time: 10 minutes

The thing about Imposter Syndrome is that it can strike at any time, and almost all of us have felt it at some point. Imposter Syndrome can impact how we show up in our personal and professional lives, turning our work/life balance upside down. In this episode, I’m sharing a mortifying personal experience with Imposter Syndrome. Then, I’ll dive into the 5 different types of Imposter Syndrome, plus five ways to manage Imposter Syndrome when you feel it creeping in.

The Thing About Imposter Syndrome: 5 Ways to Deal with Feeling Like a Fraud

time management

Reading Time: 16 minutes

Can I become a morning person, even if I’m a night owl? How can I create a morning routine that helps me start my day off right? Will I ever be able to wake up early? How to I make my mornings even better? These are all questions I’ve been asked in the last few months, and I’m tackling all of them inside this episode of It’s About Time. Tune in to find out if it’s even possible to become a morning person, and walk away with simple steps to make your mornings better than ever.

Rise and Shine: How to Become a Better Morning Person (Even if You HATE Mornings)

time management

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