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Reading Time: 3 minutes You can never seem to check everything off your to-do list. Is it a you problem, or a system problem?

I got to chat with Erika Diaz-Castro on the Her Renewed Strength Podcast about exactly that! We discussed how to know when it’s time to change your time management system, an easy method to start trimming down your daily to-dos, and my new book (coming out in June 2023!).

The Her Renewed Strength Interview | Is There Something Wrong With You or Is It Time For A New Time Management System?


Reading Time: 6 minutes Wondering how to find more balance between work, life, and all the responsibilities in between? Check out how Leah Remillet does it on this episode!

Using Systems to Find Simplicity in Everyday Life With Leah Remillet


Reading Time: 2 minutes Copying and pasting someone else’s time management strategy doesn’t work. And it doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with you – it just means you have to find the right strategy! Join my conversation with Andrew Mellen on the Declutter Your Life Podcast to see what I mean.

The Declutter Your Life Interview | The #1 Step to Get Empowered & Boost Your Productivity 


Reading Time: 4 minutes Balance — buzzword or possibility?

The truth is, we all want more balance in our lives. We all want to do more of the things that we love and less of the things we don’t. But have you ever thought about why “balance” is so hard to obtain?

In this episode of the It’s About Time Podcast, I’m going to unpack why we ALL struggle to find the right balance for our lives — and I’ll expose the NUMBER ONE thing holding us back from actually achieving it.

The Biggest Obstacle to Finding Balance

time management

Reading Time: 6 minutes Feeling stuck or unmotivated with your time management goals? Frustrated by a lack of progress? Confused on what to do next?

Sometimes, it helps to step outside ourselves and get some “fresh eyes” on our time management woes!

You probably know that accountability is great for things like exercising or reading more — but did you know that it’s beneficial for time management too?

Why Better Time Management is Not a Solo Endeavor

time management

Reading Time: 6 minutes Everyone struggles with overwhelm — myself included. Yup, even as a time management coach! But a few years ago, I learned one very valuable lesson in overcoming overwhelm: You gotta take it one step at a time.

If you’ve been feeling stuck or constantly overwhelmed, learn why this method is much more effective for helping you to move forward.

The Value of a Single Step When Navigating Overwhelm


Reading Time: 3 minutes Have you ever found yourself rushing from task to task, feeling overwhelmed and not knowing where all your time has gone? You need a system for how to spend time more productively… and it starts by getting clear on what matters most to you! Join Anna Dearmon Kornick on The Podcasting Entrepreneur to discuss a method that could transform your time and your life.

The Kajabi Edge Podcast Interview | Get More Done With Less Time


Reading Time: 7 minutes What do you do when life moves at light speed, but you feel like you can’t keep up?

It sounds counterintuitive, but it’s likely time to slow down and rest.

I know many of you will have a visceral reaction to that — you don’t have time to slow down! But if you don’t slow down and take a beat now, you’ll be forced to later. You can’t pour from an empty cup. You can’t go full speed ahead forever. You aren’t the Energizer Bunny, my friend.

And that’s why in today’s episode, we’re talking about SIX ways to slow down when life moves too fast. Because you can’t keep going at this pace forever — something’s gotta give!

Tired of Your Own Excuses? Here’s How to Stop Procrastinating for GOOD


Reading Time: 5 minutes On this episode of the It’s About Time Podcast, I sit down with one of my coaching clients, Louisiana-based artist Mary Catherine Dunphy. We talk about the struggles of going from employee to entrepreneur, managing new schedules and expectations, and how to honor and respect your personal time management boundaries to create your version of success!

Say Goodbye to Perfection: How the to Manage the Transition From Employee to Entrepreneur With Mary Catherine Dunphy


Reading Time: 9 minutes What do you do when life moves at light speed, but you feel like you can’t keep up?

It sounds counterintuitive, but it’s likely time to slow down and rest.

I know many of you will have a visceral reaction to that — you don’t have time to slow down! But if you don’t slow down and take a beat now, you’ll be forced to later. You can’t pour from an empty cup. You can’t go full speed ahead forever. You aren’t the Energizer Bunny, my friend.

And that’s why in today’s episode, we’re talking about SIX ways to slow down when life moves too fast. Because you can’t keep going at this pace forever — something’s gotta give!

6 Ways to Slow Down When Life Moves Too Fast


Overcome overwhelm and tackle each day with confidence with this free mini course!

I created Blueprint to Balance to share that simple method with you.

(and save you TIME in the process)!

Get Access Now!