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Reading Time: 6 minutes Struggling to find ways to add more time to your life? Tired of working nonstop, adding more errands to your never-ending list of things to do, and ultimately running on fumes? Well, my friend, it may be time to consider building a home management team!
If you have the ability to do so, hiring people to lend a helping hand with daily responsibilities can clear up HOURS of your time in a given week. And in this episode, I’m going to show you how!
Reading Time: 4 minutes When we think about finding peace in our day-to-day lives, we might not think about flexibility or “rolling with the punches.” But for my friend Nealy Fischer, flexibility is how she’s created a life she loves — one where she doesn’t dread going to work, feels inspired often, and has time to show up for her family.
And it’s how you can too, my friend! In this episode, we’re going to talk about how Nealy got to where she is today and her advice for adopting a more “flexible” approach to life.
Reading Time: 5 minutes Discouraged by “failing” or forgetting to make progress on your New Year’s Resolution (or goals in general)? Don’t be — it happens to the best of us! In this episode, I’m covering WHY we lose steam on our resolutions and sharing a few simple yet strategic ways you can get yourself back on track.
Reading Time: 4 minutes What does freedom and flexibility on your calendar look like to you?
Whatever that looks like to you, Chelsea Petersen is going to give you some great insight on how you can manage your time effectively with freedom and flexibility and get work done without compromising your personal life!
Reading Time: 4 minutes Ever been so stressed out that you felt sick? Turns out, it’s not just your imagination! Prolonged stress and sleep deprivation can actually make you sick. But with so much going on in our day-to-day, how do you prevent running yourself ragged without ignoring your responsibilities? Tune in to find out!
Reading Time: 5 minutes Do you ever wish you could build better habits faster?
You can when you follow Emily Nichol’s guide to habit hacking. The one thing she tells everyone who wants to build better habits? Start small! If you want more nuggets of golden wisdom from Emily and to hear our discussion on how habits can transform your life completely, listen in!
Reading Time: 4 minutes How many times have you thought, “I can do it all,” only to realize that you could NOT, in fact, do it all?
We’ve all been there. As mothers, business owners, and women operating in this world, we’re conditioned to believe that we have to do everything ourselves, or we’ve failed in some way. But in this episode of the It’s About Time podcast, I had the chance to chat with Tanya Dalton, author of “The Joy Of Missing Out.”
She walked me through her framework for making small huge moves and talked about the gift of delegating in life — whether that’s at home or work!
Reading Time: 5 minutes Ever heard the term “career self-care”? I hadn’t either, until I met Minda Zetlin! But since then, the term hasn’t left my brain for a second. In a culture that puts so much emphasis on hustle and grind and teaches us to pin our worth to the number of hours worked, it’s more important than ever to practice self-care around the thing we spend 40 (or more) hours a week on: our careers!
Reading Time: 5 minutes Sometimes, the best things happen when you take an unexpected step back from the daily hustle of running a business. Rachel Greiman discovered this when COVID-19 shut down daycares, and she was forced to delegate more of her copywriting projects to other writers.
Though this led to a pay cut (at first) as she took on less client work herself, it ultimately led her to triple her business revenue the next year. Listen to this podcast episode to hear how making tough decisions might just be the BEST decision in the long run.
Reading Time: 6 minutes We all know the holidays are busy — even stressful. But we all want to spend this time being present with our families and resting, so how can we do that when it feels… well, chaotic? In honor of the upcoming holiday season, I want to share some of my best tips for taking care of yourself and staying sane during the most wonderful (and also stressful) time of the year!
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