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Reading Time: 5 minutes Everyone wants to be their best selves, right?

But what happens when your self-help resources… aren’t helping? Our default reaction might be to assume that WE are the problem, but that’s not necessarily true.

Sometimes, self-help isn’t helpful, and not everything is right for YOU. Self-help resources are great, but only when you use them in a way that supports how you operate.

In this episode, I’m going to talk about some of the reasons it might feel like self-help is doing you no good, and what you can do about it going forward (instead of being hard on yourself).

When Self-Help Doesn’t Help


Reading Time: 6 minutes How did this not-so-morning person go from “no time for workouts” to getting up at 5 am to head to the gym?

In this episode, we’re talking about how to find time for exercise, even if your schedule is jam-packed (spoiler alert, that’s me and I’m giving you REAL methods that have helped me find a routine).

It’s a lot easier than you might think. It all comes down to setting priorities, setting intentions, communication, and lots of systemizing and planning!

If you’ve been itching to get back into a consistent exercise routine, these six tips can help you get there!

Too Busy for Exercise? How to Find the Time to Work Out


Reading Time: 5 minutes We all have those days when it feels like nothing goes right.

But what happens when those days turn into weeks? Then months? And then you wake up one day and realize that the last several months of your life have been anything but smooth sailing?

In today’s episode, we’re going to talk all about how to deal when it feels like everything is going south, and how small daily habits can help us weather hard times.

If you want something real and practical you can hold onto as you get through a rough patch, then this episode is for you!

When It Rains, It Pours: What to Do When Everything Goes Wrong


Reading Time: 6 minutes Tired of being the punchline to the “chronically late” joke?

Sick of always being stressed out, overwhelmed, and maybe even a little embarrassed about your tardiness? Well my friend, it’s time to break up with your bad habit because in today’s episode, we’re talking all about how to stop being late.

You’ll learn the 7 types of late people and get a practical strategy to help you shock everyone by being on time — based on your late-person persona.

Always Late? Here Are the 7 Reasons You Can’t Be on Time

time management

Reading Time: 5 minutes Have you ever wondered why all those time management and productivity “hacks” don’t work for you? It’s not you — it’s them! You don’t need to get up earlier and force yourself into focus mode. Or buy another planner and fancy pens. Or even just make yourself sit down and focus.

Traditional time management philosophies fall short because they don’t lead with value and intention — the two main ingredients for creating habits that stick! Learn more about how I do this using the HEART Method in today’s episode.

Why Traditional Time Management Theories Aren’t Working for You

time management

Reading Time: 5 minutes Are you the kind of person who always needs background noise to work? If so, you might be sabotaging your focus! As it turns out, science says that silence really is golden — at least when it comes to being productive.

In today’s episode, we’re talking about why silence is so important for focus, and how to find silent moments in your everyday life, even when everything around you feels chaotic.

Silence is Golden: The Connection Between Quiet & Productivity


Reading Time: 6 minutes Struggling to find ways to add more time to your life? Tired of working nonstop, adding more errands to your never-ending list of things to do, and ultimately running on fumes? Well, my friend, it may be time to consider building a home management team!

If you have the ability to do so, hiring people to lend a helping hand with daily responsibilities can clear up HOURS of your time in a given week. And in this episode, I’m going to show you how!

Need Help Around the House? Build a Home Management Team in 2023


Reading Time: 4 minutes When we think about finding peace in our day-to-day lives, we might not think about flexibility or “rolling with the punches.” But for my friend Nealy Fischer, flexibility is how she’s created a life she loves — one where she doesn’t dread going to work, feels inspired often, and has time to show up for her family.

And it’s how you can too, my friend! In this episode, we’re going to talk about how Nealy got to where she is today and her advice for adopting a more “flexible” approach to life.

Flexible Time Management: Why Flexibility is the Greatest Time Management Tool With Nealy Fischer


Reading Time: 5 minutes Discouraged by “failing” or forgetting to make progress on your New Year’s Resolution (or goals in general)? Don’t be — it happens to the best of us! In this episode, I’m covering WHY we lose steam on our resolutions and sharing a few simple yet strategic ways you can get yourself back on track.

The Real Reason People Give Up on New Year’s Resolutions


Reading Time: 4 minutes What does freedom and flexibility on your calendar look like to you?

Whatever that looks like to you, Chelsea Petersen is going to give you some great insight on how you can manage your time effectively with freedom and flexibility and get work done without compromising your personal life!

Paving Your Own Way in Life & Business with Chelsea Petersen


Overcome overwhelm and tackle each day with confidence with this free mini course!

I created Blueprint to Balance to share that simple method with you.

(and save you TIME in the process)!

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