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Reading Time: 7 minutes Mentors: Do you have one?
There are so many people out there who are fantastic, amazing experts in the areas we want to improve in our own lives and work. We want to listen to them! I want to caution you against trying to listen to ALL of them, though. Instead of helping you, trying to learn from tons of different mentors will only lead to overwhelm. That’s why I’m sharing 4 keys to choosing mentors who will help you take action, rather than spin your wheels.
Reading Time: 3 minutes “Autumn leaves don’t fall, they fly. They take their time and wander on this, their only chance to soar.” – Delia Owens, Where the Crawdads Sing To celebrate the official kickoff of autumn, I’m excited to share the third edition of my ADK Seasonal Bucket List, something I love creating so you can add a […]
Reading Time: 4 minutes Nothing about life is set it and forget it. Neither is time management. Whether it’s a routine, a task management tool, or your trusty to-do list, time management isn’t a Crockpot. Our lives change and evolve, and our methods should, too. But how do we know when the time is right to pull the plug on our old routine or time management strategies so we can craft a new one? Tune into this week’s episode to find out.
Reading Time: 4 minutes Remember when you were a kid and you were so excited for the day you could go to bed whenever you want? Well, it turns out that’s not the best thing for us. As adults, we need 8-9 hours of sleep every night, but most of us aren’t getting that. On this week’s podcast episode, I’m chatting with sleep expert Becca Campbell as she walks us through her killer framework for better sleep, so we can be more joyful, productive humans.
Reading Time: 12 minutes For the second time in as many years, my family and I just moved! And surprisingly, it was nearly STRESS-FREE. If you think that’s not possible, you need to listen to this episode to learn what inspired our recent move and how we planned financially by setting goals and sticking to them. I also cover what I’ve learned from moving 13 times since college graduation, my packing process, and my #1 recommendation for getting unpacked and settled stress-free!
Reading Time: 6 minutes Life can be A LOT. Whether you’re a stay-at-home mom, a working parent, or a business owner, your proverbial plate is full. What if you had more time in your life to enjoy things, rather than worry about the details or how you’ll get it all done? That’s what Stacy Tuschl and I discussed In this episode, Stacy breaks down her framework for implementing (non-boring) systems in every facet of her life, including home, kids, and work.
Reading Time: 4 minutes Do you ever find yourself wishing you had more hours in the day? It turns out, it’s not about having more hours but being able to get more out of the time you DO have. To make the most of your time, it’s all about finding flow. In episode 136 of the It’s About Time podcast, I’m teaching you everything you need to know about flow — including how you can find it, and how to cultivate it. Listen to it on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts!
Reading Time: 5 minutes Dr. Tiffany Eurich, self-proclaimed philomath and PR/marketer extraordinaire, joins us today to chat about the true meaning of serving others and crafting a legacy. If you’ve ever found yourself wondering what you’ll leave behind, this episode will help you figure out what legacy means to you and how to build it every day.
Reading Time: 4 minutes Taking it easy may come naturally to some people, but for others, not so much. You may not know quite what to do when your business or your life isn’t keeping you busy 24/7. If your work and other commitments have hit a slow period, why not use this time to gear up for peak seasons to come? Find out how you can remain productive during slower seasons, preparing for busy seasons ahead, while still enjoying time to rest and recharge.
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