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Reading Time: 4 minutes

As someone who speaks out against wearing busy as a badge of honor, you can guess that I’m not an advocate for the 24/7, “Hustle Til You Drop” culture that seems to run rampant in the business and professional worlds. In this episode, I’m exploring the fine line between hustle and hard work, how to know if you’re getting a little too close to burnout from burning the candle at both ends, and how to change course before it’s too late.

Hustling Toward Burnout: Are You Walking the Fine Line Between Hustle and Hard Work?

time management

Reading Time: 7 minutes

You want to manage your time well, but it’s easy to get distracted when there are so many shiny new strategies, methods and tools to test drive. Where do you begin? How do you use them all? It’s a little overwhelming! Sometimes getting back to the basics is best. Join me for a refresher on where to start, and the three time management tools everyone needs in their toolbox for more productivity and better work/life balance.

Back to Basics: The Three Time Management Strategies Everyone Should Be Using (for More Productivity and Better Work/Life Balance)

time management

Reading Time: 11 minutes

Are you making the most of your time at work? Sure, you might be crossing lots of things off your list. And yes, you might “feel” really busy. But the real question is How much time are you spending in the Zone – aka your Genius Zone? Find out what’s in YOUR unique Genius Zone, why it’s so important and how to clear your plate of the other stuff that’s zapping your energy and wasting your precious time.

In the Zone: Are You Making the Most of Your Time at Work?


Reading Time: 3 minutes

Are you a leader? Chances are – even if you don’t see yourself as a leader – others are looking to you because of your unique impact on the world. Not sure what that impact is? Executive Coach LeeAnn Moss is here to help you level up your leadership at work, home and in the community by sharing her best tips for cultivating your soft skills, making time for rest, and defining your unique impact before someone else defines it for you.

Level Up your Leadership: How to Define Your Unique Impact featuring LeeAnn Moss


Reading Time: 3 minutes

What even is productivity? Somewhere along the way, being productive evolved into doing as many things as possible, as quickly as possible. Cue the overwhelm and neverending to-do lists. Business Coach & Finance Teacher Katie Wussow knows that true productivity comes from doing the RIGHT things. But how do we know if we’re on the right track or if we’re just spinning our wheels? What ARE the right things? Tune in to hear Katie’s approach to productivity using priorities and personal goals as your guide.

Productivity, Priorities and Personal Goals: How to Go Beyond Your To-Do List and Get More of the Right Things Done with Katie Wussow


Reading Time: 3 minutes

Our many passions and pursuits make us the multifaceted, unique people we are – but it can be easy to spread ourselves too thin while fulfilling so many different roles and responsibilities. In this episode, Lauren Carnes shares how she embraces what she calls “the both/and” and how she brings focus and intention to her many roles: photographer, communications strategist, wife, mom, foodie and more. Tune in and be inspired by Lauren’s take on how sometimes cutting back is the best way to cultivate the good life.

Pruning to Grow – How to Purposefully Pursue Multiple Passions (Without Spreading Yourself Too Thin) featuring Lauren Carnes

time management

Reading Time: 10 minutes

The thing about Imposter Syndrome is that it can strike at any time, and almost all of us have felt it at some point. Imposter Syndrome can impact how we show up in our personal and professional lives, turning our work/life balance upside down. In this episode, I’m sharing a mortifying personal experience with Imposter Syndrome. Then, I’ll dive into the 5 different types of Imposter Syndrome, plus five ways to manage Imposter Syndrome when you feel it creeping in.

The Thing About Imposter Syndrome: 5 Ways to Deal with Feeling Like a Fraud

time management

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Raise your hand if you like wasting time! *crickets* If you’re like me, you’re always on the hunt for ways to maximize your time and be more efficient so you can spend it on what matters most. One way to streamline your time management at work and at home is with task batching. Listen in as Time Management Coach Amanda Warfield shares her best batching tips. Whether you’re a batching pro or you’re curious about how you could get started, you’re sure to walk away inspired to find more opportunities to take back your time with task batching.

It’s Not Just for Cookies: How to Take Back Your Time with Task Batching featuring Time Management Coach Amanda Warfield

time management

Reading Time: 16 minutes

Can I become a morning person, even if I’m a night owl? How can I create a morning routine that helps me start my day off right? Will I ever be able to wake up early? How to I make my mornings even better? These are all questions I’ve been asked in the last few months, and I’m tackling all of them inside this episode of It’s About Time. Tune in to find out if it’s even possible to become a morning person, and walk away with simple steps to make your mornings better than ever.

Rise and Shine: How to Become a Better Morning Person (Even if You HATE Mornings)

time management

Reading Time: 13 minutes

How do I manage my time when my time is not my own? There’s no doubt that we have a lot on our plates. From taking care of family and nurturing relationships, to climbing the career ladder or running a business – sometimes it can feel like we’re stuck on a hamster wheel trying to keep up. If you know that feeling, this episode is just for you. Tune in for 5 steps to take control of your time and design a life that’s fulfilling and productive. You’ve got this. It’s time to own it.

Own It: Time Management When Your Time is Not Your Own

time management

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