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Reading Time: 3 minutes
Setting and sticking to healthy boundaries is easier said than done. Saying “no” can be challenging, and the next thing we know our calendars are filled with other people’s priorities. Listen in as Ciji Townsend, host of the Being Balanced podcast shares what it means to be balanced, and how to define and enforce healthy boundaries in your life. Hint: It starts with getting clear on what matters most.
Reading Time: 3 minutes
Policy and Advocacy Manager Corinn O’Brien has found her secret to living happier, feeling more successful, and being more efficient at work than ever before. It all started by unlocking her Genius Zone work – where passion meets proficiency. After taking a hard look at how she was spending her time, Corinn created opportunities for others, increased her impact and is living proof that, yes, you CAN design a life you love and do good work that fires you up.
Reading Time: 3 minutes
The 24/7 nature of the modern workplace means that the boundaries between work and “not work” are blurrier than ever before. It’s even hard to know where your job title ends and your identity begins. Trust me, I’ve been there. In my conversation with Millennial Career Strategist Adunola Adeshola, she tackles toxic work environments, desperation hires, articulating your unique value, and separating your personal identity and self worth from the job title on your business card.
Reading Time: 3 minutes
Truth be told, I always thought that hiring a professional organizer was for fancy people. After working with Sara West, owner of South Coast Organizers, I learned firsthand the absolute joy and relief that comes from working with pro. Tune in and learn Sara’s best tips for decluttering, being intentional with your stuff, and what it’s really like to have someone else organize and edit your home.
Reading Time: 3 minutes
Are you a leader? Chances are – even if you don’t see yourself as a leader – others are looking to you because of your unique impact on the world. Not sure what that impact is? Executive Coach LeeAnn Moss is here to help you level up your leadership at work, home and in the community by sharing her best tips for cultivating your soft skills, making time for rest, and defining your unique impact before someone else defines it for you.
Reading Time: 3 minutes
What even is productivity? Somewhere along the way, being productive evolved into doing as many things as possible, as quickly as possible. Cue the overwhelm and neverending to-do lists. Business Coach & Finance Teacher Katie Wussow knows that true productivity comes from doing the RIGHT things. But how do we know if we’re on the right track or if we’re just spinning our wheels? What ARE the right things? Tune in to hear Katie’s approach to productivity using priorities and personal goals as your guide.
Reading Time: 3 minutes
We’re often taught that singing our own praises is a bad thing. Some of us were even told to “just work hard and keep your mouth shut” in order to move up the ladder. Danielle Bayard Jackson, owner of TELL Public Relations knows that there’s a better way, and in this episode she reveals her pro tips for being your biggest own biggest cheerleader and sharing your unique impact with the world. We also dive into friendship, battling burnout and setting healthy boundaries.
Reading Time: 3 minutes
If the thought of advocating for a higher salary, better working conditions, or raising your rates gives you hives, you NEED Lelia Gowland in your life. As a negotiation expert and author of You Got This: The Ultimate Guide to Negotiation for Professional Women, Lelia’s got you covered when it comes to asking for what you want. From her unique “parent points” system to what negotiation *really* is, tune in and walk away equipped to bravely negotiate from a place of authenticity.
Reading Time: 3 minutes
Our many passions and pursuits make us the multifaceted, unique people we are – but it can be easy to spread ourselves too thin while fulfilling so many different roles and responsibilities. In this episode, Lauren Carnes shares how she embraces what she calls “the both/and” and how she brings focus and intention to her many roles: photographer, communications strategist, wife, mom, foodie and more. Tune in and be inspired by Lauren’s take on how sometimes cutting back is the best way to cultivate the good life.
Reading Time: 7 minutes
The holiday season can be one of the toughest, most stressful times of the year. Throw in a pandemic and it’s easy to understand why we don’t feel merry and bright all the time. But don’t worry, I’ve got you. In this episode you’ll find five ways to slow down and savor the season. Plus, special guests photographer Sarah Becker, virtual assistant Morgan Moore, and Andi Berthelot – owner of The Keeping Room, share their own unique ways of doing December with less stress and more joy.
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