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Reading Time: 5 minutes Finish lines come in all shapes and sizes. Graduating with your Masters. Buying a house. Getting a promotion. Launching a project. Getting that promotion. Working hard toward something big (or small) and crossing it off your list is an amazing feeling. But before you hit your stride, there’s ONE thing you need to set yourself up for success. Accountability. Find out why accountability is key, how your personality impacts your accountability approach, and where to find accountability that fits your life.

Crossing the Finish Line: Why You Need Accountability to Achieve Your Goals

Achieve Goals With Accountability

time management

Reading Time: 4 minutes Mistakes get a bad rap, but they’re actually a pretty important part of our lives. Ideally, we make a mistake when trying something new, learn from it, and move on. Mistakes like, for example, trying a time management strategy without adjusting it to fit YOU, or buying a fancy planner with the hopes that it’ll ease your struggles. I’ve made these same mistakes, and I’ve learned from them. I took it one step further and created a new time management method that works with you, as well as your goals and values.

Introducing the “It’s About Time Academy”

Introducing the It's About Time Academy

time management

Reading Time: 7 minutes Does it feel like you’re always behind on your to-do list? Your day is chock full of tasks to get done, and before you know it, you’re sitting on the couch at night feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. All those time management hacks and tricks you’ve tried were never quite enough. Something needs to change, but you’re not exactly sure what kind of support to look for. It might be time to work with a time management coach! Here’s how you know.

7 Reasons to Work With a Time Management Coach

7 Reasons to Work with a Time Management Coach

time management

Reading Time: 9 minutes Struggling to manage your time or use productivity systems? Here’s why your time management method isn’t working (and what to try, instead).

Why Your Time Management Isn’t Working

3 Reasons Why Time Management Isn't Working For You | It's About Time Podcast


Reading Time: 9 minutes How do you do it all without losing your mind in the process? That’s the question I’m answering in this episode as I reflect on the last six+ months of having a full time job, running a business, publishing episodes of It’s About Time and loving on my family. Spoiler Alert: I don’t do it all. But there ARE several strategies I’ve implemented over the past few months that are enabling me to do what matters most. You know I’m an open book, so I’m pulling back the curtain this week to share how I do life lately.

When You Work Full-Time and Run a Business: Productivity & Sanity Tips

Running a Business & Working Full-Time


Reading Time: 3 minutes …perfect for the woman who is making a comeback, stronger and bolder than ever. — Simplified These words gave me chills as I watched Simplified’s Instagram Reel last night, revealing my favorite of their newest Simplified Planner covers: Navy Bluebonnets. Is she not gorgeous?! If you’ve been a part of the ADK community for any […]

Simplified Launch Day: Anna’s Favorites

Simplified Planner Launch Day

books & tools

Reading Time: 9 minutes Whether you’re a coffee drinker, a green tea lover, or you’ve aways got a Diet Coke nearby, caffeine is helping many of us get through the day — or at least the morning. Now that I’m a mom of two and my sleep is interrupted nearly every night, my coffee intake has skyrocketed. That got me curious about caffeine and productivity. Press play on Episode 118 to find out what science has to say about the right way to drink caffeine for productivity.

But first, Coffee: The Right Way to Drink Coffee for Productivity

How to drink coffee for productivity


Reading Time: 15 minutes When your alarm goes off in the morning, do you pop out of bed – ready to tackle the day? Or are you more of a snooze button and hide under the covers kinda morning person? If you’re the latter, sometimes mornings can feel impossible. Maybe you’ve tried EVERYTHING to make yourself a morning person and it’s just not working. Can you BECOME a morning person? That’s exactly what I’m answering inside this episode of It’s About Time. Whether you’re already a pro at mornings or you’d rather go back to bed, listen up for simple steps to make your mornings better than ever.

Can you become a morning person?

How to drink coffee for productivity


Reading Time: 3 minutes Some old-fashioned things like fresh air and sunshine are hard to beat. — Laura Ingalls Wilder And I couldn’t agree more! Here on the first day of spring, I’m upping the game by adding a few to-dos to your list. Don’t worry, they’re all-play-no-work. One of the most important episodes I’ve recorded so far is […]

The ADK Spring Bucket List 2022


Reading Time: 9 minutes Can we all agree that the time change is the worst? Whether we’re springing forward or falling backward, or simply traveling across time zones – being thrown off our internal clocks is a recipe for nodding off in morning meetings and being wide awake when it’s time for sleep. In this episode, I’m diving into how to help your internal clock adjust to time change without chugging gallons of coffee or falling asleep at your desk.

How to Adjust to Daylight Savings Time


Overcome overwhelm and tackle each day with confidence with this free mini course!

I created Blueprint to Balance to share that simple method with you.

(and save you TIME in the process)!

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