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Reading Time: 7 minutes Ever found yourself on the verge of burnout – acing life on one front but feeling the whirlwind behind the scenes? In this episode of It’s About Time, we’ll tackle the chaos head-on! Picture a roadmap to not just survive but THRIVE despite the overwhelm. Learn the secrets to create clarity, focus, and balance, even in life’s busiest moments. We cover three actionable steps to design the future you’ve been dreaming of. Ready to redefine your balance? Hit play and let’s get started!

Ready. Set. GOALS! How to Dream Big Without Losing Your Balance


Reading Time: 11 minutes There is a fine line between contentment and complacency!
Ever felt that sweet sense of contentment and wondered, “What’s next?” 🤔 Let’s explore the tricky balance between contentment and complacency! Discover why goal-setting is your secret weapon for growth, even when life feels pretty darn good.

Beyond Contentment: How to Write the Next Chapter of Your Personal Success Story



Reading Time: 14 minutes What’s holding you back from making 2024 your most intentional year ever? If you’re like most people, that list might include fearing failure, not being quite sure what you want, and feeling downright overwhelmed with life right now. I totally get it. That’s why this episode is dedicated to conquering those exact obstacles and giving you actionable tips to move forward with confidence, clarity and intention. Hit play now and let’s make those 2024 dreams a reality!

3 Things that Might Be Holding You Back from Your Best Year Ever

holding you back


Reading Time: 11 minutes In this episode, we’re getting down to the core of what it *really* takes to make things happen, and what’s standing in your way. From self-doubt to imposter syndrome, we’re unpacking it all.

Believe to Achieve: Why You ARE Good Enough to Achieve Your Goals


Reading Time: 11 minutes If you’ve ever felt stuck or unsure of how to stay motivated, you aren’t alone! How to stay motivated and get unstuck are the questions I get asked most frequently! Tune in to this episode to learn strategies for how to manage these hard topics.

Ask Anna Vol. 2: Get Unstuck, Stay Motivated and Think Big Picture

stay motivated


Reading Time: 2 minutes If you’ve ever waited for the perfect time, tried to find the perfect time management strategy, looked for the perfect planner, or felt paralyzed because you were afraid you couldn’t do something perfectly the first time then this episode is just for you!

Done is Better Than Perfect: How to Stop Overthinking and Start Doing



Reading Time: 2 minutes Feeling tired and unfocused all day 😴
If this is you, then you may not be getting enough sleep or eating the right things. Sound familiar?

Scatterbrained & Drained? The Two Forgotten Productivity Secrets You Need to Fuel Your Focus

tired and unfocused


Reading Time: < 1 minute Feel like you are constantly being distracted throughout your workday? I bet you do! Join me for 5 simple-steps to help distraction-proof your workday.

Distraction-Proof Your Workday

distraction-proof your workday


Reading Time: 2 minutes You THINK you have a time management problem…
but what if you actually have an attention management problem? 🤔

May I Have Your Attention Please? Your Time Management Strategy Might Be Missing THIS Important Piece


Reading Time: 2 minutes Is multitasking really helping you get more done, or is it just causing chaos? In this episode, we’ll tackle the myth of multitasking and reveal why it might be hurting your productivity, causing mistakes, and stressing you out. Tune in to find out how to ditch multitasking and what to do instead to be more productive than ever!

The Multitasking Myth: Why Doing It All Isn’t Always Better

attention management


Overcome overwhelm and tackle each day with confidence with this free mini course!

I created Blueprint to Balance to share that simple method with you.

(and save you TIME in the process)!

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