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Reading Time: 7 minutes Ever found yourself on the verge of burnout – acing life on one front but feeling the whirlwind behind the scenes? In this episode of It’s About Time, we’ll tackle the chaos head-on! Picture a roadmap to not just survive but THRIVE despite the overwhelm. Learn the secrets to create clarity, focus, and balance, even in life’s busiest moments. We cover three actionable steps to design the future you’ve been dreaming of. Ready to redefine your balance? Hit play and let’s get started!
Reading Time: 11 minutes There is a fine line between contentment and complacency!
Ever felt that sweet sense of contentment and wondered, “What’s next?” 🤔 Let’s explore the tricky balance between contentment and complacency! Discover why goal-setting is your secret weapon for growth, even when life feels pretty darn good.
Reading Time: 14 minutes What’s holding you back from making 2024 your most intentional year ever? If you’re like most people, that list might include fearing failure, not being quite sure what you want, and feeling downright overwhelmed with life right now. I totally get it. That’s why this episode is dedicated to conquering those exact obstacles and giving you actionable tips to move forward with confidence, clarity and intention. Hit play now and let’s make those 2024 dreams a reality!
Reading Time: 2 minutes Is multitasking really helping you get more done, or is it just causing chaos? In this episode, we’ll tackle the myth of multitasking and reveal why it might be hurting your productivity, causing mistakes, and stressing you out. Tune in to find out how to ditch multitasking and what to do instead to be more productive than ever!
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