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Reading Time: 9 minutes Whether you’re a coffee drinker, a green tea lover, or you’ve aways got a Diet Coke nearby, caffeine is helping many of us get through the day — or at least the morning. Now that I’m a mom of two and my sleep is interrupted nearly every night, my coffee intake has skyrocketed. That got me curious about caffeine and productivity. Press play on Episode 118 to find out what science has to say about the right way to drink caffeine for productivity.
Reading Time: 15 minutes When your alarm goes off in the morning, do you pop out of bed – ready to tackle the day? Or are you more of a snooze button and hide under the covers kinda morning person? If you’re the latter, sometimes mornings can feel impossible. Maybe you’ve tried EVERYTHING to make yourself a morning person and it’s just not working. Can you BECOME a morning person? That’s exactly what I’m answering inside this episode of It’s About Time. Whether you’re already a pro at mornings or you’d rather go back to bed, listen up for simple steps to make your mornings better than ever.
Reading Time: 3 minutes Some old-fashioned things like fresh air and sunshine are hard to beat. — Laura Ingalls Wilder And I couldn’t agree more! Here on the first day of spring, I’m upping the game by adding a few to-dos to your list. Don’t worry, they’re all-play-no-work. One of the most important episodes I’ve recorded so far is […]
Reading Time: 9 minutes Can we all agree that the time change is the worst? Whether we’re springing forward or falling backward, or simply traveling across time zones – being thrown off our internal clocks is a recipe for nodding off in morning meetings and being wide awake when it’s time for sleep. In this episode, I’m diving into how to help your internal clock adjust to time change without chugging gallons of coffee or falling asleep at your desk.
Reading Time: 14 minutes You’ve spread yourself too thin. Again. Your calendar is overflowing and there doesn’t seem to be an end in sight. You’re overcommitted, overwhelmed, and flat out exhausted. So what to you do when you’ve committed to doing too much? That’s exactly what I’m talking about in Episode 115. We’ve all been there. And chances are, we’ll probably find ourselves with a too-full plate again – especially as events are picking up and invitations are rolling in as the pandemic recedes. Lean in and listen up for real life ways to handle it all and how to avoid over doing it in the future.
Reading Time: 13 minutes Living in a world of 24/7 access with notifications, emails and messages coming our way at all hours of the day, it can be so hard to turn off work and actually be present during our downtime. Either we’re responding to messages, getting distracted by emails or we’re worrying about what’s left and what we’ve got to do tomorrow. That ends today. Tune in for three ways to successfully shut off work and be more present when you’re off the clock.
Reading Time: 5 minutes Would you rather be frantic and frazzled or calm and prepared? The answer should be a no brainer. When we have so much on our to-do lists and our calendars are bursting at the seems, calm and prepared feels downright impossible. The secret? A weekly planning session. Find out 3 reasons why a weekly planning session should be a non-negotiable in your week and walk away with simple tips to get started.
Reading Time: 12 minutes Sometimes things don’t go as planned. We make a list of goals, resolutions, dreams and ideas that we’re so excited about! And then life happens, we hit roadblocks and feel like giving up. Find out 3 simple steps for hitting reset on your goals and starting over when you’re feeling discouraged. Plus, find out the right way to use a habit tracker so you can stick with your plans once and for all!
Reading Time: 2 minutes Sometimes life can be a LOT. We’ve got deadlines, responsibilities at home, relationships to tend, and more. When the going gets tough, sometimes complaining is our first response to blow off steam. But is complaining even worth your time? Lori Oberbroeckling, author of Secrets of Supermom, is here to talk about one of the hidden time wasters: complaining. Find out how to take back your time, what to do instead of complaining, and how to deal with chronic complainers in your life.
Reading Time: 9 minutes The start of a new year comes with many traditions. We set goals, start new habits and think about how we can put our best foot forward. One simple and fun way to stay focused throughout the year is by choosing a word to represent what you hope to do, achieve, experience or feel – a word of the year. Find out why choosing a word of the year can be a game changer. Plus, I’ll share my word and how I’ll use it in the year ahead.
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