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Reading Time: 8 minutes Learn how to transform delay into drive with three simple yet effective tactics. Say goodbye to procrastination and hello to progress!

The Procrastinators Playbook: 3 Simple Strategies for Turning Delay into Drive

Stop Procrastinating: 3 Simple Strategies for Turning Delay into Drive


Reading Time: 2 minutes Want to build better time management habits? Here’s what you can do (hint: it’s not a quick tip or fast hack list)!

Why Do Habits Matter So Much With Time Management?

Better Habits for Better Time Management


Reading Time: 5 minutes Do you ever wish you could build better habits faster?

You can when you follow Emily Nichol’s guide to habit hacking. The one thing she tells everyone who wants to build better habits? Start small! If you want more nuggets of golden wisdom from Emily and to hear our discussion on how habits can transform your life completely, listen in!

Habit Hacking With Emily Nichols


Reading Time: 4 minutes

Hitting the snooze button. Going to the gym. Less screen time. Good habits are tough to start, and bad habits are tough to get rid of. In this episode, I’m talking all about habits – how to start them, stick to them and kick the bad ones. If you’re ready to start making progress on your big goals by taking small action, then you’re going to love this episode. Little by little – your progress adds up!

How to Start Habits that Stick, and Kick the Bad Ones

time management

Overcome overwhelm and tackle each day with confidence with this free mini course!

I created Blueprint to Balance to share that simple method with you.

(and save you TIME in the process)!

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