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Reading Time: 4 minutes Balance — buzzword or possibility?
The truth is, we all want more balance in our lives. We all want to do more of the things that we love and less of the things we don’t. But have you ever thought about why “balance” is so hard to obtain?
In this episode of the It’s About Time Podcast, I’m going to unpack why we ALL struggle to find the right balance for our lives — and I’ll expose the NUMBER ONE thing holding us back from actually achieving it.
Reading Time: 3 minutes If you’re in the creative space, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and like EVERYTHING on your to-do list is urgent.
Where do we start if we want to find balance and decide what things take priority?
I was able to sit down with Renee Marie at Bridal Beauty Confidence Podcast to talk about some tips for better time management for creatives. Check out the episode here, or read on for the strategies we discussed!
Reading Time: 3 minutes
Setting and sticking to healthy boundaries is easier said than done. Saying “no” can be challenging, and the next thing we know our calendars are filled with other people’s priorities. Listen in as Ciji Townsend, host of the Being Balanced podcast shares what it means to be balanced, and how to define and enforce healthy boundaries in your life. Hint: It starts with getting clear on what matters most.
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