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Reading Time: 4 minutes Many organizations experience the “summer slowdown.” People go on vacation, projects get delayed, and productivity seems to slow to a crawl. If your work has slowed to a near halt, should you spend your extra time working harder…or should you rest and relax? Find out how to make a plan for your slower seasons and why taking a break is vital for your productivity.
Reading Time: 3 minutes Tell someone that you’re looking for a time management hack, and you’ll get different versions of the same advice. Schedule your time wisely. Be organized. Avoid distractions. These pieces of advice are well-meaning — and they work for many people — but they aren’t guaranteed to work for everyone. If you’ve struggled with traditional time management methods and can’t seem to find the right one for you, find out what step to take next.
Reading Time: 3 minutes Live in the sunshine. Swim in the sea. Drink in the wild air. — Ralph Waldo Emerson That sunshine sure is here! To celebrate the official kickoff of summer, I’m excited to share the second edition of my ADK Seasonal Bucket List, something I love creating so you can add a few fun to-dos to […]
Reading Time: 6 minutes When we think of “productivity,” we usually think about getting more things done. Checking more off our to-do lists. But that’s not the actual definition of productivity — and it’s definitely not how we want to live our lives. In this episode, I talk about the real definition of productivity, why I want to reframe it to include priorities, and how you can actually decide what to work on next instead of just “doing more.”
Reading Time: 5 minutes Finish lines come in all shapes and sizes. Graduating with your Masters. Buying a house. Getting a promotion. Launching a project. Getting that promotion. Working hard toward something big (or small) and crossing it off your list is an amazing feeling. But before you hit your stride, there’s ONE thing you need to set yourself up for success. Accountability. Find out why accountability is key, how your personality impacts your accountability approach, and where to find accountability that fits your life.
Reading Time: 4 minutes Mistakes get a bad rap, but they’re actually a pretty important part of our lives. Ideally, we make a mistake when trying something new, learn from it, and move on. Mistakes like, for example, trying a time management strategy without adjusting it to fit YOU, or buying a fancy planner with the hopes that it’ll ease your struggles. I’ve made these same mistakes, and I’ve learned from them. I took it one step further and created a new time management method that works with you, as well as your goals and values.
Reading Time: 7 minutes Does it feel like you’re always behind on your to-do list? Your day is chock full of tasks to get done, and before you know it, you’re sitting on the couch at night feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. All those time management hacks and tricks you’ve tried were never quite enough. Something needs to change, but you’re not exactly sure what kind of support to look for. It might be time to work with a time management coach! Here’s how you know.
Reading Time: 9 minutes How do you do it all without losing your mind in the process? That’s the question I’m answering in this episode as I reflect on the last six+ months of having a full time job, running a business, publishing episodes of It’s About Time and loving on my family. Spoiler Alert: I don’t do it all. But there ARE several strategies I’ve implemented over the past few months that are enabling me to do what matters most. You know I’m an open book, so I’m pulling back the curtain this week to share how I do life lately.
Reading Time: 3 minutes …perfect for the woman who is making a comeback, stronger and bolder than ever. — Simplified These words gave me chills as I watched Simplified’s Instagram Reel last night, revealing my favorite of their newest Simplified Planner covers: Navy Bluebonnets. Is she not gorgeous?! If you’ve been a part of the ADK community for any […]
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