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Reading Time: 14 minutes

Anytime is a good time for a fresh start, but the beginning of the year has many of us thinking about new, good habits we’d like to add to our work and personal lives. From meal planning and exercise, to waking up earlier and less screen time, habits are the building blocks of our lives. Tune in for three simple ways to take your good habits from aspirational ideas to everyday action. Turns out, putting yourself on autopilot can be a great thing for work, life and balance!

A Good Kind of Autopilot: 3 Ways to Make New Habits a Part of Your Everyday


Reading Time: 11 minutes

As we’re coming up on the end of 2020, we’ve got 2021 on the brain – and that means New Year’s Resolutions. But did you know that most resolutions barely make it past the two week mark? In this episode, I’m uncovering the 5 common mistakes we make when setting resolutions and tackling each one so you can do things differently and make your resolutions stick. We’ll get specific, make a plan and you’ll walk away with the #1 secret to ensuring your success in the new year. Cheers to YOU and your success!

Don’t Make these 5 Common New Year’s Resolution Mistakes


Reading Time: 2 minutes

Stress is a beautiful thing. True or False? Life Coach Chantel Allen believes that stress can actually be a good thing, but anxiety is what we need to watch out for as we navigate work, life and balance. In this powerful interview, Chantel dives into the difference between stress and anxiety and shares her CALM Method for taming anxiety in the moment. Listen in to learn what you can do if you’re suffering from anxiety and how you can support others experiencing anxiety.

Stress is a Beautiful Thing: Taming Anxiety and Choosing CALM with Chantel Allen


Reading Time: 3 minutes

Parenting is hard, and half the time (maybe even more) we feel like we’re failing. Danielle Bettmann is a parent coach and host of the Failing Motherhood podcast. Whether you’re the Cool Aunt or a mom of 3, you’ll love this dive into compromise, Love Languages, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and accepting we’re all doing the best we can.

We’re All Doing the Best We Can: Failing Motherhood with Danielle Bettmann


Reading Time: 10 minutes

We all wear a lot of hats. On any given day, we shuffle through a number of different roles in work, life, home and beyond. But – there’s ONE role that rules them all. In this episode, I share exactly what it means to be the Visionary in your life – regardless of your industry or job title – and how seeing the future will set you up for success.

The SINGLE Most Important Role You’ll Ever Play in Life


Reading Time: 12 minutes

How many times have you asked the question “Where did the time go?” It feels like life is moving faster with each passing year. That’s why this episode is dedicated to slowing down and savoring the good things in life. We’ll start with intentional memory making and you’ll walk away with 6 simple ways to savor your next magic moment and make it last for years to come. There’s more to time management – and life – than getting things done and crossing things off a list. Let’s slow down and enjoy it.

Slow Down & Savor: 5 Ways to Make Magic Moments Last Longer


Reading Time: 5 minutes

Tell me if this sounds familiar. You KNOW you’ve got a conference coming up on your calendar. Woohoo! You’re excited about what you’ll learn and who you might meet, but you’re freaking out doing last minute prep work (kinda like the pre-vacay hustle) – and by the time you get there, you’re exhausted and running on adrenaline.

How to WIN at Conferences: What to Do Before, During and After for Maximum Impact


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