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Reading Time: 11 minutes
Iâll just say it. I hate the phrase âBrain Dump.â And honestly, thereâs a better way to get stuff out of your head when you feel overwhelmed. Meet the Mind Sweep. When everything is swirling in your head, procrastination has set in or your productivity has tanked, the Mind Sweep is your new bff for getting everything out of your head without making an even bigger mess on paper. Press play to find out what exactly a Mind Sweep is, how to do one and letâs dump the Brain Dump once and for all.
Reading Time: 2 minutes
This past year, the conferences on our calendar went virtual and we networked via Zoom squares. Now, as conferences are beginning to take place in person once again, your formerly stellar conference skills might be feeling a little rusty. That’s why I’ve compiled my ultimate list of tips to help you make the most of your next conference. Find out exactly what to do before, during and after to prep, enjoy and take action as a Conference All-Star!
Reading Time: 11 minutes
When things go south. When all hell breaks loose. When your day goes up in flames and everything goes wrong, how do you bounce back? A Reset Ritual is your ticket to going from super stressed to calm, cool and collected. Find out what a Reset Ritual is and how to create your own so you can keep moving forward when everything goes haywire. You’ll definitely want to have this mini-routine in your back pocket for life’s unpredictable moments.
Reading Time: 15 minutes
Weâre all guilty of procrastination, but what do we do about it? Your first step might be simpler than you think. In this episode, weâll start by recognizing what procrastination looks like. Sometimes it can really sneak up on us and feel productive, even though itâs not. Then, Iâll tackle five of the most common reasons why we procrastinate and how to push past each one. After you listen to this episode, youâll be SO ready to stop waiting and start getting things done!
Reading Time: 12 minutes
Why exactly do we procrastinate, and what can we do about it? In Part 2 of our three-episode series on procrastination, find out how self-control and motivation fit into the procrastination equation, plus three ways to knock something off your to-do list without even doing it. And then – walk away with five questions to ask yourself so you can get to the bottom of why youâre putting things off so you can stop procrastinating and start doing!
Reading Time: 9 minutes
Procrastination. Itâs one of the topics youâre most curious about, and for good reason. We ALL do it. And when we do, we can be really hard on ourselves about it. So what do we do? How do we stop waiting and START doing? In this episode, part one of three on procrastination, youâll find FIVE things you should know about procrastination. From personality types and medical conditions , to laziness and some surprising benefits. Go ahead and press play NOW, donât put this off âtil later.
Reading Time: 9 minutes
When there are a million different things vying for your attention, staying focused on what’s in front of you can feel pretty impossible. You get distracted, and everything takes longer than it should. If that’s you, you’re not alone. Consider me your Productivity Personal Trainer in this episode where I’m sharing 3 simple exercises you can start doing today to stay focused when you really need it. No push-ups required.
Reading Time: 8 minutes
All work and no play make Anna a dull girl. Same for you? But sometimes it feels like there’s never enough time to let loose and have fun. Let’s fix that by making time for more FUN, and begin by making a bucket list. Whether your bucket list is for summer fun, yummy brunch spots you want to try, or your lifelong list – having a plan, and putting it on your calendar – is a simple way to make FUN happen! Tune in for actionable tips to start having more FUN today!
Reading Time: 12 minutes
Do you want to start your week off on the right foot? Of course you do! Whether you call it getting a game plan, doing a weekly planning session or Sunday prep, the success of your week (and your stress levels) can be directly linked to how well you plan ahead. This week, Iâm pulling back the curtain and sharing the exact steps I take every single Sunday to start the week with success. Join me for Sunday prep, step by step.
Reading Time: 2 minutes
When many of us migrated from office buildings to our kitchen tables, spare bedrooms, and home offices in 2020, Alexandra Samuel got to work pouring her decades of remote-work expertise and productivity tips into the ultimate guidebook for remote work. Find out what it means to work like a “business of one,” how to navigate micromanaging bosses and more from the author of Remote Inc.: How to Thrive at Work…Wherever You Are.
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