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Reading Time: 3 minutes If you’re in the creative space, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and like EVERYTHING on your to-do list is urgent.
Where do we start if we want to find balance and decide what things take priority?
I was able to sit down with Renee Marie at Bridal Beauty Confidence Podcast to talk about some tips for better time management for creatives. Check out the episode here, or read on for the strategies we discussed!
Reading Time: 4 minutes When you need to manage your time efficiently but your job is chaotic, where do you even begin?
As most of you know, I got my start in PR managing the schedules of the most in-demand elected officials in the country, followed by the 24/7 world of crisis communications. After that high-stakes career, you could say I became an expert at creating order out of chaos.
I sat down with Amy Rosenberg, host of PR Talk, to discuss tips and strategies for organizing your time effectively in this episode of PR Talk. Read on for strategies you can implement today – along with my favorite task and project management tools!
Reading Time: 4 minutes If you’re an entrepreneur blazing your own trail, it can be a difficult path – especially if you deal with entrepreneur overwhelm and burn out. I’ve been there – and I knew there had to be a better way. I got to sit down with Andrew McLindon on The NXT Entrepreneur Podcast to tell the […]
Reading Time: 3 minutes If you’re in an entry-level position and you hope to move up into a leadership role, how do you show your boss you’re using your time well? Moreover, how do you leave work at work at the end of the day? And are time management skills really necessary in these types of jobs? I had […]
Reading Time: 3 minutes Do you try to slow down your schedule, but without fail, things ALWAYS get busy again? You’re searching for work/life balance and time to do what matters most, but somehow, it feels like your calendar always magically fills up. You’re running from meeting to meeting, feeling overwhelmed, and you’re not sure how you got here. […]
Reading Time: 3 minutes Do you ever feel frazzled and scatter-brained… like you’re searching for the ever-elusive “balance” but feel guilty whenever you try to take time for yourself? We want to feel empowered to take control of our time, but life just feels too chaotic to do that! I was fortunate enough to sit down with Emily Nichols […]
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