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Reading Time: 6 minutes Some people are just so… fashionable, aren’t they? I’ve always envied people who look put-together and always seem have the cutest clothes. Turns out feeling good in your clothes doesn’t have to take a lot of time or money. If you’ve ever been curious about how to save time in your closet with a capsule wardrobe, press play on episode 150 of It’s About Time featuring Jenny Eversole, Founder of StyleSpace

Feeling Confident In Your Personal Style With Jenny Eversole

Find Confidence with Style with Jenny Eversole


Reading Time: 5 minutes A new planner would help you stay on track, right? …. Statistically speaking, no. Planners aren’t the solution to your bursting calendar or your overflowing inbox. Instead, your planner might be CAUSING more issues. What should you do if a planner isn’t helping? I have a few ideas, so tune into this episode to find out.

Why Your Planner Is Not Working

Is your planner working for you?


Reading Time: 6 minutes Are you constantly scrolling on social, or refreshing your news feed? Having easy access to so much information is amazing, but it can also be damaging. What if we could find a middle ground that kept us on top of current events and in contact with our loved ones without dragging us down or sucking all our time? Listen to this episode, where I’ll break down what an information diet is and why now’s the perfect time to try one if you want more time in your days and less stress in your life.

What is an Information Diet?

Is it time for an information diet?


Reading Time: 5 minutes Do you find yourself running around all day, zig-zagging between tasks, going across town just to come back… and then go again? Tune into this episode to learn how you can give your routines a physical flow that makes sense and saves you time, energy, AND money!

How to Give Your Routines a Physical Flow

Give Your Routines Flow


Reading Time: 12 minutes For the second time in as many years, my family and I just moved! And surprisingly, it was nearly STRESS-FREE. If you think that’s not possible, you need to listen to this episode to learn what inspired our recent move and how we planned financially by setting goals and sticking to them. I also cover what I’ve learned from moving 13 times since college graduation, my packing process, and my #1 recommendation for getting unpacked and settled stress-free!

How to Have a Productive, Stress-Free Move

How to Move Stress-Free


Reading Time: 7 minutes Hiring good help never feels easy.

Sometimes, it feels like an uphill battle to find the right people — whether you work in a nonprofit or corporation, or you own your own business. Luckily, I’m chatting with Julie Gerdes, owner of Little Rouge Hen and hiring strategist extraordinaire. In this episode, we discuss the power of self-awareness, how to delegate and make space for creativity, and how to use the Myers-Briggs to build the best team possible.

Using the Myers-Briggs to Build a Stellar Team

Myers-Briggs for Teams


Reading Time: 4 minutes Gardening is a relaxing, productive hobby. It gets you away from your desk, moving your body, breathing fresh air and soaking up vitamin D. Plus, getting to see the tangible results of your hard work is incredibly satisfying. But did you know that there are even more benefits to tending a garden than you may realize? Find out how gardening can positively affect your productivity and your life in this episode.

What Keeping a Garden Can Teach You About Productivity

Gardening and Productivity


Reading Time: 4 minutes Mistakes get a bad rap, but they’re actually a pretty important part of our lives. Ideally, we make a mistake when trying something new, learn from it, and move on. Mistakes like, for example, trying a time management strategy without adjusting it to fit YOU, or buying a fancy planner with the hopes that it’ll ease your struggles. I’ve made these same mistakes, and I’ve learned from them. I took it one step further and created a new time management method that works with you, as well as your goals and values.

Introducing the “It’s About Time Academy”

Introducing the It's About Time Academy

time management

Reading Time: 7 minutes Does it feel like you’re always behind on your to-do list? Your day is chock full of tasks to get done, and before you know it, you’re sitting on the couch at night feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. All those time management hacks and tricks you’ve tried were never quite enough. Something needs to change, but you’re not exactly sure what kind of support to look for. It might be time to work with a time management coach! Here’s how you know.

7 Reasons to Work With a Time Management Coach

7 Reasons to Work with a Time Management Coach

time management

Reading Time: 13 minutes Living in a world of 24/7 access with notifications, emails and messages coming our way at all hours of the day, it can be so hard to turn off work and actually be present during our downtime. Either we’re responding to messages, getting distracted by emails or we’re worrying about what’s left and what we’ve got to do tomorrow. That ends today. Tune in for three ways to successfully shut off work and be more present when you’re off the clock.

Better Boundaries and Being Present: How to Set Boundaries and Be More Present During Your Downtime


Overcome overwhelm and tackle each day with confidence with this free mini course!

I created Blueprint to Balance to share that simple method with you.

(and save you TIME in the process)!

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