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Reading Time: 3 minutes How does someone achieve work-life balance, launch four successful businesses with their partner, and still find time to spend with their kiddos? Kat Schmoyer is a business coach, integrator, and entrepreneur who’ll tell you that it’s no walk in the park, but it’s doable. Big-picture planning and finding the right project management and biz operation tools are key. So is pursuing work that you truly love.

Doing All the Things: Task Management and Quarterly Planning with Kat Schmoyer

Quarterly Planning with Kat Schmoyer


Reading Time: 2 minutes For many of us, talking about money and finances ranks pretty high on the difficult conversations list. Financial confidence is usually not something we’re born with, it’s acquired. Fortunately, people like Sarah Becker of Becker Talks Money exist to demystify finances and – dare I say it – make talking money FUN. Listen in for Sarah’s first steps to financial freedom, how to get comfy talking dollars and cents and more!

Let’s Talk Money: The First Steps to Financial Freedom featuring Sarah Becker


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