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Reading Time: 6 minutes Struggling to find ways to add more time to your life? Tired of working nonstop, adding more errands to your never-ending list of things to do, and ultimately running on fumes? Well, my friend, it may be time to consider building a home management team!

If you have the ability to do so, hiring people to lend a helping hand with daily responsibilities can clear up HOURS of your time in a given week. And in this episode, I’m going to show you how!

Need Help Around the House? Build a Home Management Team in 2023


Reading Time: 5 minutes Discouraged by “failing” or forgetting to make progress on your New Year’s Resolution (or goals in general)? Don’t be — it happens to the best of us! In this episode, I’m covering WHY we lose steam on our resolutions and sharing a few simple yet strategic ways you can get yourself back on track.

The Real Reason People Give Up on New Year’s Resolutions


Reading Time: 4 minutes Ever been so stressed out that you felt sick? Turns out, it’s not just your imagination! Prolonged stress and sleep deprivation can actually make you sick. But with so much going on in our day-to-day, how do you prevent running yourself ragged without ignoring your responsibilities? Tune in to find out!

Running Yourself Ragged: What Happens to Your Body When You Go Too Hard For Too Long

Are you running yourself ragged?


Reading Time: 6 minutes We all know the holidays are busy — even stressful. But we all want to spend this time being present with our families and resting, so how can we do that when it feels… well, chaotic? In honor of the upcoming holiday season, I want to share some of my best tips for taking care of yourself and staying sane during the most wonderful (and also stressful) time of the year!

Self-Care & Sanity During the Holidays

Holiday Self-Care

time management

Reading Time: 5 minutes It’s official — It’s About Time is 150 episodes old! It’s time for me to chat with you all about the lessons I’ve learned over the last 150 episodes. Whether you’re a business-owning mom, a working parent, or just a downright busy human, these lessons in time management will help you find more balance, productivity, AND ease in life. Thanks for being here! Here’s to another 150 episodes with y’all!

Lessons Learned In 150 Episodes

Lessons Learned from 150 Podcast Episodes

time management

Reading Time: 5 minutes A new planner would help you stay on track, right? …. Statistically speaking, no. Planners aren’t the solution to your bursting calendar or your overflowing inbox. Instead, your planner might be CAUSING more issues. What should you do if a planner isn’t helping? I have a few ideas, so tune into this episode to find out.

Why Your Planner Is Not Working

Is your planner working for you?


Reading Time: 7 minutes Do you find yourself running late to… everything? Guess what! Tardiness isn’t actually something people do out of laziness. In fact, most of it can be chalked up to personality traits that can be learned and unlearned! When you figure out how to manage your time well, you can be on time or early to almost everything. In this episode, I’m breaking down my framework for creating a time management plan that ensures you don’t run late — at least not as much.

How to Be Consistently on Time

Stop Being Late: How to Be On Time

time management

Reading Time: 6 minutes Are you constantly scrolling on social, or refreshing your news feed? Having easy access to so much information is amazing, but it can also be damaging. What if we could find a middle ground that kept us on top of current events and in contact with our loved ones without dragging us down or sucking all our time? Listen to this episode, where I’ll break down what an information diet is and why now’s the perfect time to try one if you want more time in your days and less stress in your life.

What is an Information Diet?

Is it time for an information diet?


Reading Time: 7 minutes Mentors: Do you have one?

There are so many people out there who are fantastic, amazing experts in the areas we want to improve in our own lives and work. We want to listen to them! I want to caution you against trying to listen to ALL of them, though. Instead of helping you, trying to learn from tons of different mentors will only lead to overwhelm. That’s why I’m sharing 4 keys to choosing mentors who will help you take action, rather than spin your wheels.

Pick Your Mentors: How to Get Expert Advice Without Getting Overwhelmed

Choosing Mentors Wisely


Reading Time: 3 minutes “Autumn leaves don’t fall, they fly. They take their time and wander on this, their only chance to soar.” – Delia Owens, Where the Crawdads Sing To celebrate the official kickoff of autumn, I’m excited to share the third edition of my ADK Seasonal Bucket List, something I love creating so you can add a […]

The ADK Fall Bucket List 2022


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