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Reading Time: 3 minutes “Autumn leaves don’t fall, they fly. They take their time and wander on this, their only chance to soar.” – Delia Owens, Where the Crawdads Sing To celebrate the official kickoff of autumn, I’m excited to share the third edition of my ADK Seasonal Bucket List, something I love creating so you can add a […]

The ADK Fall Bucket List 2022


Reading Time: 4 minutes Taking it easy may come naturally to some people, but for others, not so much. You may not know quite what to do when your business or your life isn’t keeping you busy 24/7. If your work and other commitments have hit a slow period, why not use this time to gear up for peak seasons to come? Find out how you can remain productive during slower seasons, preparing for busy seasons ahead, while still enjoying time to rest and recharge.

Leveraging Slow Seasons in Life and Business to Lay the Ground for Busier Seasons

Slow Seasons In Business


Reading Time: 4 minutes Gardening is a relaxing, productive hobby. It gets you away from your desk, moving your body, breathing fresh air and soaking up vitamin D. Plus, getting to see the tangible results of your hard work is incredibly satisfying. But did you know that there are even more benefits to tending a garden than you may realize? Find out how gardening can positively affect your productivity and your life in this episode.

What Keeping a Garden Can Teach You About Productivity

Gardening and Productivity


Reading Time: 3 minutes Live in the sunshine. Swim in the sea. Drink in the wild air. — Ralph Waldo Emerson That sunshine sure is here! To celebrate the official kickoff of summer, I’m excited to share the second edition of my ADK Seasonal Bucket List, something I love creating so you can add a few fun to-dos to […]

The ADK Summer Bucket List 2022


Reading Time: 3 minutes How does someone achieve work-life balance, launch four successful businesses with their partner, and still find time to spend with their kiddos? Kat Schmoyer is a business coach, integrator, and entrepreneur who’ll tell you that it’s no walk in the park, but it’s doable. Big-picture planning and finding the right project management and biz operation tools are key. So is pursuing work that you truly love.

Doing All the Things: Task Management and Quarterly Planning with Kat Schmoyer

Quarterly Planning with Kat Schmoyer


Reading Time: 3 minutes If there’s anything we’ve learned from the past few years, it’s that we can’t can control everything. But we CAN have a bit more control over things within our lives, businesses, home and calendars. Alexandra Beauregard of The Productivity Zone believes we can use routines and simple systems to create freedom and spend time on what matters most. Find out how she uses emojis and color coding to stay organized, and what routines have in common with your undies!

Running on Routines: How to simplify and systemize your unique rhythm for work, life and balance with Alexandra Beauregard

Running on Routines Alexandra Beauregard It's About Time Podcast


Reading Time: 2 minutes For many of us, talking about money and finances ranks pretty high on the difficult conversations list. Financial confidence is usually not something we’re born with, it’s acquired. Fortunately, people like Sarah Becker of Becker Talks Money exist to demystify finances and – dare I say it – make talking money FUN. Listen in for Sarah’s first steps to financial freedom, how to get comfy talking dollars and cents and more!

Let’s Talk Money: The First Steps to Financial Freedom featuring Sarah Becker


Reading Time: 3 minutes …perfect for the woman who is making a comeback, stronger and bolder than ever. — Simplified These words gave me chills as I watched Simplified’s Instagram Reel last night, revealing my favorite of their newest Simplified Planner covers: Navy Bluebonnets. Is she not gorgeous?! If you’ve been a part of the ADK community for any […]

Simplified Launch Day: Anna’s Favorites

Simplified Planner Launch Day

books & tools

Reading Time: 9 minutes Whether you’re a coffee drinker, a green tea lover, or you’ve aways got a Diet Coke nearby, caffeine is helping many of us get through the day — or at least the morning. Now that I’m a mom of two and my sleep is interrupted nearly every night, my coffee intake has skyrocketed. That got me curious about caffeine and productivity. Press play on Episode 118 to find out what science has to say about the right way to drink caffeine for productivity.

But first, Coffee: The Right Way to Drink Coffee for Productivity

How to drink coffee for productivity


Reading Time: 3 minutes Some old-fashioned things like fresh air and sunshine are hard to beat. — Laura Ingalls Wilder And I couldn’t agree more! Here on the first day of spring, I’m upping the game by adding a few to-dos to your list. Don’t worry, they’re all-play-no-work. One of the most important episodes I’ve recorded so far is […]

The ADK Spring Bucket List 2022


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