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Reading Time: 13 minutes Living in a world of 24/7 access with notifications, emails and messages coming our way at all hours of the day, it can be so hard to turn off work and actually be present during our downtime. Either we’re responding to messages, getting distracted by emails or we’re worrying about what’s left and what we’ve got to do tomorrow. That ends today. Tune in for three ways to successfully shut off work and be more present when you’re off the clock.
Reading Time: 7 minutes
You want to manage your time well, but it’s easy to get distracted when there are so many shiny new strategies, methods and tools to test drive. Where do you begin? How do you use them all? It’s a little overwhelming! Sometimes getting back to the basics is best. Join me for a refresher on where to start, and the three time management tools everyone needs in their toolbox for more productivity and better work/life balance.
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