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Reading Time: 3 minutes

Policy and Advocacy Manager Corinn O’Brien has found her secret to living happier, feeling more successful, and being more efficient at work than ever before. It all started by unlocking her Genius Zone work – where passion meets proficiency. After taking a hard look at how she was spending her time, Corinn created opportunities for others, increased her impact and is living proof that, yes, you CAN design a life you love and do good work that fires you up.

Passion + Proficiency = True Productivity: How Working in Your Genius Zone Can Change Everything featuring Corinn O’Brien


Reading Time: 4 minutes

Community over competition is easy said than done. Today’s guests, Alissa Jenkins and Katy Caldwell – co-hosts of the Hustle Humbly Podcast, are two competing Realtors in the Baton Rouge market and proof of the power of collaboration. In this episode, we chat about how they navigate schedules that are both flexible and demanding, as well as the importance of creating healthy boundaries and carving out time for yourself.

Community Over Competition with Alissa Jenkins and Katy Caldwell

time management

Reading Time: 3 minutes

I’ve been incredibly inspired by today’s guest, her willingness to tackle tough topics, her enthusiasm for the enneagram and the way she encourages others by being her authentic self. A few months ago, she posted a stat in her instagram stories that only 22% of the thousands of podcasts out there are hosted by women. That post coupled with Blake’s example is part of what pushed me into taking action and launching It’s About Time. 

Navigating Major Life & Career Transitions with Blake Guichet

time management

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Setting up a calendar system is one of the first places I start with my time management clients, because without a consistent method for managing your calendar, you’re going to be stuck in the hamster wheel of overwhelm and constantly refreshing your brain like a browser with too many tabs open. And you know what happens when you have too many tabs open – you start moving slower and slower until everything just crashes. 

How to Cut the Mental Clutter with a Better Calendar System

time management

Overcome overwhelm and tackle each day with confidence with this free mini course!

I created Blueprint to Balance to share that simple method with you.

(and save you TIME in the process)!

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