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Reading Time: 3 minutes

Investing in yourself can be a little scary sometimes. Is it worth it? Are you going to see the return you’re hoping for? In this episode, Logan Doerries – mom, business owner and community leader – opens up about investing time, strategy and dollars into systems, conferences and coaching. She shares why personal and professional development + accountability should be a huge priority for all of us and how to get started – no matter your profession or season of life.

Growing with Purpose: The Power of Investing in Yourself with Logan Doerries

time management

Reading Time: 5 minutes

525,600 minutes in a year. 168 hours in a week. You have plenty of time. It’s all in how you use it, and what you value. Does how you spend your time… do the appointments on your calendar reflect your values? In this short episode, Anna addresses the lack of diversity on It’s About Time and shares resources that, yes, you do have time for.

Yes. You have time for this.

time management

Reading Time: 10 minutes

Life can be crazy. There’s no doubt about that. Our to-do lists are overflowing, and sometimes it feels like there’s just never enough time to do it all, be it all or have it all. In this episode, Anna reveals the 5 core elements to living a life of fulfillment. Say goodbye to chaos and hello to the clarity you’re looking for.

From Chaos to Clarity: The 5 Things You Need to Take Back Your Life

time management

Reading Time: 12 minutes

In Episode 30, I’m pulling back the curtain on… myself! Several of you have reached out and asked why I became a coach, what my journey to coaching looked like, and how I got started. You’ll find out why I thought coaching was weird and wanted nothing to do with it, and how an email in my spam folder changed everything. Plus, just like my interview guests, I’ll share the exact tools that I use to run my business and stay on top of family life.

Check Your Spam Folder: The Totally Unexpected Reason Why I Became a Time Management Coach

time management

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Investing in yourself can be a little scary sometimes. Is it worth it? Are you going to see the return you’re hoping for? In this episode, Logan Doerries – mom, business owner and community leader – opens up about investing time, strategy and dollars into systems, conferences and coaching. She shares why personal and professional development + accountability should be a huge priority for all of us and how to get started – no matter your profession or season of life.

Growing with Purpose: The Power of Investing in Yourself with Logan Doerries

time management

Overcome overwhelm and tackle each day with confidence with this free mini course!

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(and save you TIME in the process)!

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