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Reading Time: 4 minutes How do you find time to fit everything in?
You’ve got a jammed-packed schedule, full of meetings, family obligations, volunteering, and more. It seems like you just can’t possibly get everything done, and worst of all, you feel like you’re never doing enough. How do you manage your time better and win your week before it starts?
Reading Time: 3 minutes You can never seem to check everything off your to-do list. Is it a you problem, or a system problem?
I got to chat with Erika Diaz-Castro on the Her Renewed Strength Podcast about exactly that! We discussed how to know when it’s time to change your time management system, an easy method to start trimming down your daily to-dos, and my new book (coming out in June 2023!).
Reading Time: 3 minutes Have you ever found yourself rushing from task to task, feeling overwhelmed and not knowing where all your time has gone? You need a system for how to spend time more productively… and it starts by getting clear on what matters most to you! Join Anna Dearmon Kornick on The Podcasting Entrepreneur to discuss a method that could transform your time and your life.
Reading Time: 3 minutes Have you ever found yourself rushing from task to task, feeling overwhelmed and not knowing where all your time has gone? You need a system for how to spend time more productively… and it starts by getting clear on what matters most to you! Join Anna Dearmon Kornick on The Podcasting Entrepreneur to discuss a method that could transform your time and your life.
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