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Reading Time: 4 minutes Remember when you were a kid and you were so excited for the day you could go to bed whenever you want? Well, it turns out that’s not the best thing for us. As adults, we need 8-9 hours of sleep every night, but most of us aren’t getting that. On this week’s podcast episode, I’m chatting with sleep expert Becca Campbell as she walks us through her killer framework for better sleep, so we can be more joyful, productive humans.

The Key to More Productivity & Joy: How to Get Better Sleep with Becca Campbell

A Better Night's Sleep with Becca Campbell


Reading Time: 4 minutes Do you ever find yourself wishing you had more hours in the day? It turns out, it’s not about having more hours but being able to get more out of the time you DO have. To make the most of your time, it’s all about finding flow. In episode 136 of the It’s About Time podcast, I’m teaching you everything you need to know about flow — including how you can find it, and how to cultivate it. Listen to it on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts!

The Key to Getting More Done: Finding Flow

Get More Done by Finding Flow


Reading Time: 4 minutes Taking it easy may come naturally to some people, but for others, not so much. You may not know quite what to do when your business or your life isn’t keeping you busy 24/7. If your work and other commitments have hit a slow period, why not use this time to gear up for peak seasons to come? Find out how you can remain productive during slower seasons, preparing for busy seasons ahead, while still enjoying time to rest and recharge.

Leveraging Slow Seasons in Life and Business to Lay the Ground for Busier Seasons

Slow Seasons In Business


Reading Time: 7 minutes Hiring good help never feels easy.

Sometimes, it feels like an uphill battle to find the right people — whether you work in a nonprofit or corporation, or you own your own business. Luckily, I’m chatting with Julie Gerdes, owner of Little Rouge Hen and hiring strategist extraordinaire. In this episode, we discuss the power of self-awareness, how to delegate and make space for creativity, and how to use the Myers-Briggs to build the best team possible.

Using the Myers-Briggs to Build a Stellar Team

Myers-Briggs for Teams


Reading Time: 7 minutes Work-life balance is out. We’re living well-rounded lives, instead.

Geomyra Pollard, the queen of living well-rounded, graced my microphone this week for a fantastic podcast episode that details her journey to find balance in her life. In this episode, we discuss why living well-rounded is the key to doing it all, Geomyra’s top tools for staying organized, and why we should all be asking for more help. This interview made me feel so much more in control and calm — I can’t wait for you to hear why!

How to Live a Well-Rounded Life

Well-Rounded Living


Reading Time: 4 minutes Mistakes get a bad rap, but they’re actually a pretty important part of our lives. Ideally, we make a mistake when trying something new, learn from it, and move on. Mistakes like, for example, trying a time management strategy without adjusting it to fit YOU, or buying a fancy planner with the hopes that it’ll ease your struggles. I’ve made these same mistakes, and I’ve learned from them. I took it one step further and created a new time management method that works with you, as well as your goals and values.

Introducing the “It’s About Time Academy”

Introducing the It's About Time Academy

time management

Reading Time: 7 minutes Does it feel like you’re always behind on your to-do list? Your day is chock full of tasks to get done, and before you know it, you’re sitting on the couch at night feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. All those time management hacks and tricks you’ve tried were never quite enough. Something needs to change, but you’re not exactly sure what kind of support to look for. It might be time to work with a time management coach! Here’s how you know.

7 Reasons to Work With a Time Management Coach

7 Reasons to Work with a Time Management Coach

time management

Reading Time: 9 minutes Whether you’re a coffee drinker, a green tea lover, or you’ve aways got a Diet Coke nearby, caffeine is helping many of us get through the day — or at least the morning. Now that I’m a mom of two and my sleep is interrupted nearly every night, my coffee intake has skyrocketed. That got me curious about caffeine and productivity. Press play on Episode 118 to find out what science has to say about the right way to drink caffeine for productivity.

But first, Coffee: The Right Way to Drink Coffee for Productivity

How to drink coffee for productivity


Reading Time: 2 minutes Sometimes life can be a LOT. We’ve got deadlines, responsibilities at home, relationships to tend, and more. When the going gets tough, sometimes complaining is our first response to blow off steam. But is complaining even worth your time? Lori Oberbroeckling, author of Secrets of Supermom, is here to talk about one of the hidden time wasters: complaining. Find out how to take back your time, what to do instead of complaining, and how to deal with chronic complainers in your life. 

All Problem, No Solution: Why Complaining Isn’t Worth Your Time featuring Lori Oberbroeckling


Reading Time: 3 minutes

Hit the drive thru. Grab and Go. Eat on the Run. There’s no doubt we’re busy, and far too often our mealtimes turn into GO TIME. Emily Johnson, a Certified Nutritional Practitioner, has a pantry full of tips for being more intentional with what you’re putting on your plate. From starting your day with a restorative morning routine to shifting your mindset around food, listen in on my conversation with Emily and walk away ready to cook up healthy habits and more mindful mealtimes.

Eat Right. Work Smarter. Find Balance: How to Prioritize Wellness and Shift Your Mealtime Mindset with Emily Johnson.


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