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Reading Time: 6 minutes How did this not-so-morning person go from “no time for workouts” to getting up at 5 am to head to the gym?

In this episode, we’re talking about how to find time for exercise, even if your schedule is jam-packed (spoiler alert, that’s me and I’m giving you REAL methods that have helped me find a routine).

It’s a lot easier than you might think. It all comes down to setting priorities, setting intentions, communication, and lots of systemizing and planning!

If you’ve been itching to get back into a consistent exercise routine, these six tips can help you get there!

Too Busy for Exercise? How to Find the Time to Work Out


Reading Time: 5 minutes We all have those days when it feels like nothing goes right.

But what happens when those days turn into weeks? Then months? And then you wake up one day and realize that the last several months of your life have been anything but smooth sailing?

In today’s episode, we’re going to talk all about how to deal when it feels like everything is going south, and how small daily habits can help us weather hard times.

If you want something real and practical you can hold onto as you get through a rough patch, then this episode is for you!

When It Rains, It Pours: What to Do When Everything Goes Wrong


Reading Time: 4 minutes Ever been so stressed out that you felt sick? Turns out, it’s not just your imagination! Prolonged stress and sleep deprivation can actually make you sick. But with so much going on in our day-to-day, how do you prevent running yourself ragged without ignoring your responsibilities? Tune in to find out!

Running Yourself Ragged: What Happens to Your Body When You Go Too Hard For Too Long

Are you running yourself ragged?


Reading Time: 5 minutes Ever heard the term “career self-care”? I hadn’t either, until I met Minda Zetlin! But since then, the term hasn’t left my brain for a second. In a culture that puts so much emphasis on hustle and grind and teaches us to pin our worth to the number of hours worked, it’s more important than ever to practice self-care around the thing we spend 40 (or more) hours a week on: our careers!

Happiness & Fulfillment at Work With Minda Zetlin

Use career self-care to find happiness and fulfillment at work


Reading Time: 6 minutes We all know the holidays are busy — even stressful. But we all want to spend this time being present with our families and resting, so how can we do that when it feels… well, chaotic? In honor of the upcoming holiday season, I want to share some of my best tips for taking care of yourself and staying sane during the most wonderful (and also stressful) time of the year!

Self-Care & Sanity During the Holidays

Holiday Self-Care

time management

Reading Time: 6 minutes Some people are just so… fashionable, aren’t they? I’ve always envied people who look put-together and always seem have the cutest clothes. Turns out feeling good in your clothes doesn’t have to take a lot of time or money. If you’ve ever been curious about how to save time in your closet with a capsule wardrobe, press play on episode 150 of It’s About Time featuring Jenny Eversole, Founder of StyleSpace

Feeling Confident In Your Personal Style With Jenny Eversole

Find Confidence with Style with Jenny Eversole


Reading Time: 6 minutes Life can be pretty chaotic — especially with kids. How can we control the chaos and give ourselves the calmest life possible? Heather Greco, the Chaos Coordinator, has the best system for reducing overwhelm while still managing to get everything done in your busy life.

The Chaos Control System: Dealing With Overwhelm With Heather Greco

How to Control the Chaos


Reading Time: 2 minutes Sometimes life can be a LOT. We’ve got deadlines, responsibilities at home, relationships to tend, and more. When the going gets tough, sometimes complaining is our first response to blow off steam. But is complaining even worth your time? Lori Oberbroeckling, author of Secrets of Supermom, is here to talk about one of the hidden time wasters: complaining. Find out how to take back your time, what to do instead of complaining, and how to deal with chronic complainers in your life. 

All Problem, No Solution: Why Complaining Isn’t Worth Your Time featuring Lori Oberbroeckling


Reading Time: 6 minutes Are you constantly scrolling on social, or refreshing your news feed? Having easy access to so much information is amazing, but it can also be damaging. What if we could find a middle ground that kept us on top of current events and in contact with our loved ones without dragging us down or sucking all our time? Listen to this episode, where I’ll break down what an information diet is and why now’s the perfect time to try one if you want more time in your days and less stress in your life.

What is an Information Diet?

Is it time for an information diet?


Reading Time: 7 minutes Mentors: Do you have one?

There are so many people out there who are fantastic, amazing experts in the areas we want to improve in our own lives and work. We want to listen to them! I want to caution you against trying to listen to ALL of them, though. Instead of helping you, trying to learn from tons of different mentors will only lead to overwhelm. That’s why I’m sharing 4 keys to choosing mentors who will help you take action, rather than spin your wheels.

Pick Your Mentors: How to Get Expert Advice Without Getting Overwhelmed

Choosing Mentors Wisely


Overcome overwhelm and tackle each day with confidence with this free mini course!

I created Blueprint to Balance to share that simple method with you.

(and save you TIME in the process)!

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