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Reading Time: 6 minutes Have you ever sat down with a solid block of time, ready to tackle a big project, only to spend that entire time just planning how to start? You’re not alone – and you’re definitely in the right place. If you find yourself stuck in overthinking mode, or always overwhelmed by a big project, then this episode is for you. Tune in to hear practical strategies to break free from overplanning and start taking action, plus how to build a routine centered around DOING (instead of just planning).

From Overthinking to Taking Action: How to Break Free from Analysis Paralysis

time management

Reading Time: 9 minutes You know that moment when you walk into a room and suddenly forget why you’re there? Or those times when you suddenly remember you scheduled an appointment or coffee with a friend… only to realize you were supposed to be there five minutes ago? If you know what it’s like to feel forgetful and a little scatterbrained, you’re not alone—and that’s exactly what we’re diving into in this episode. Tune in to learn how the “Doorway Effect” is impacting your memory, plus my go-to strategies and systems that will help you feel calm, prepared, and ready to keep track of all your to-dos.

From Forgetful to Fully Focused: 4 Time Management Tips for Overcoming Forgetfulness

time management

Reading Time: 8 minutes Let this be your takeaway from today’s conversation: Embrace your ‘Me Time’ guilt-free. See it as an act of self-respect, not selfishness. Start small if you need to, but start. And remember, every step you take towards integrating ‘Me Time’ into your life is a step towards a happier, more balanced you.

What about ME? How to Find Time for Yourself When Your Schedule is Packed

time management

Reading Time: 11 minutes Overcommitment isn’t just about a hectic schedule or a never-ending to-do list – it’s a problem that can affect our well-being in profound ways. In this episode, I’m sharing short-term and long-term solutions to recognize and shut down the cycle of overcommitment and overwhelm. Whether you’re currently feeling the weight or overcommitment or looking to avoid it in the future, this episode is for you!

The Art of Enough: How to Break the Cycle of Overwhelm and Overcommitment

time management

Reading Time: 10 minutes Ever feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything done? When you overcommit yourself and run into overwhelm, it can feel bleak. But there’s hope: this week, we’re diving into the root cause of WHY you take on too much, so you can avoid falling into the pit of overcommitment again in the future.

Not Enough Hours in the Day? 5 Reasons Why You’re Overcommitted and Overwhelmed

time management

Reading Time: 9 minutes Ever have those days when your to-do list is endless, everything feels chaotic, and you can’t decide what task to tackle first? We all have those days! In this episode, we’re exploring some practical ways to organize your day when it feels like everything is happening all at once.

How to Organize Your Day When Everything Feels Overwhelming

time management

Reading Time: 3 minutes Learn practical strategies maximizing energy, attention, and focus with Anna Dearmon Kornick on the Perkins Platform Podcast.

The Perkins Platform Podcast Interview | Leaders Need to Maximize Their Time, Energy & Attention


Reading Time: 8 minutes How do I make myself do things I don’t want to do?! It’s a question I get a LOT. We all deal with procrastination – it’s a universal battle. Tune in to learn why you procrastinate, quick tips to create an environment of focus, and practical strategies to overcome procrastination (even if you struggle with discipline!).

Unraveling Procrastination: The Art of Doing What You Don’t Want To Do

time management

Reading Time: 10 minutes Do you struggle with time management? You’re not alone – and today, we’ll unpack three time management roadblocks and how to overcome them!

What’s Your Problem? 3 Tricky Time Management Roadblocks That Might Be Holding You Back

time management

Reading Time: 10 minutes Is it time to revamp your morning routine? The 90/90/1 routine might be a great fit… or it might not be. In this episode, you’ll learn how to use this buzzworthy morning routine to make huge progress towards your goals – even if you have an unpredictable schedule.

The 90/90/1 Morning Routine: Your Secret to Success in 2024?


Overcome overwhelm and tackle each day with confidence with this free mini course!

I created Blueprint to Balance to share that simple method with you.

(and save you TIME in the process)!

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