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Reading Time: 5 minutes Would you rather be frantic and frazzled or calm and prepared? The answer should be a no brainer. When we have so much on our to-do lists and our calendars are bursting at the seems, calm and prepared feels downright impossible. The secret? A weekly planning session. Find out 3 reasons why a weekly planning session should be a non-negotiable in your week and walk away with simple tips to get started.
Reading Time: 14 minutes
No one likes to be “hangry.” Fortunately, there’s a simple alternative to the empty fridge, “let’s just order takeout again,” blues. It’s called meal planning – and it’s a game changer. Whether you’re a seasoned meal planner or you’re curious about how to get started, this episode has practical, tactical how-to’s on the menu. Save time, save money, and save your sanity by tuning in and creating your personal meal-planning recipe for success.
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