
and tackle each day with



create your version of work-life


  •  Defeated that there is NEVER enough time to get everything done?

  •  Anxious that you are letting everyone around you down?

  •  Frustrated you haven’t figured out how to manage all aspects of your life?

  •  Fearful you won’t be able to level up in your work when you already feel so stretched thin?

Does the OVERWHELM of trying to balance your work/life leave you feeling:


A simple search for "how to not be overwhelmed by life" bombards you with countless solutions, books, 12-step methods, planners, TED Talks and more, only adding to your stress as you try to sort through all the noise.

That's exactly why I created Blueprint to Balance–because finding your way out of overwhelm shouldn't be so overwhelming.

As a busy professional, wife, mom, and friend, I struggled to find my way out of the overwhelm. I read the books, listened to the podcasts and immersed myself in anything to get my hands on to figure out how to life the life I envisioned for myself.

It wasn’t always easy, but slowly, with a lot of trial and error, I found a simpler way to overcome the overwhelm.

-and then feeling even more overwhelmed trying to figure out a better way. 

I know exactly what it feels like to be overwhelmed...

I created Blueprint to Balance to share that simple method with you.

If that sounds familiar, this course is for

(and save you TIME in the process)!

I'm in! Get Access Now!

This is a chance for you to walk away with a new perspective around

This free, video mini-course is going to show you a proven,
3-part process to help you beat overwhelm, get organized and optimize your time in a way that actually sticks long-term.  

This is the same process I use with my private time management coaching clients, but I’m sharing this with you for free
- no strings attached! 

balance and to spend time thinking through your unique 





the cornerstone for overcoming overwhelm in your life

I have a secret for you… It’s not that there isn’t enough time

managing your time cannot be a
one-size fits all approach  

of what's waiting for you inside


Are you ready to overcome overwhelm and reclaim control of your life?



Peace of mind

After you apply what you learn from Blueprint to Balance you’ll have:

of what you want for your life

as you create calm

from the chaos

A Clear vision

(and excitement as you chase it!).


in your decision making on

how to spend your time.


to spend on what matters

most to you.


to overcome overwhelm as it

tries to sneak up in the future.

“Before I worked with Anna I felt like I was swimming against the current. But Anna has given me the clarity and confidence I lacked to make decisions, prioritize, create manageable boundaries, and force myself to respect myself enough to respect and keep those boundaries.”

Kimberly T.

Andree m.

“It is the best thing that I never knew I needed. I didn’t realize how difficult I was making my life. Things just flow better when I follow the steps I have learned. She makes it so easy. Everything is broken down into small bite size material and she teaches one thing at a time. It’s one small change at a time.”

“Before I worked with Anna, I felt overwhelmed and pulled in a million different directions. The to-do lists seemed unmanageable. I now have the knowledge to build my day, week, month, etc. the way I want to! She is a delight that makes everything manageable, sets reasonable expectations, but also pushes you to reach your personal goals!

Jennifer W.

Click here!

After forcing myself to get out of my light blue Jeep Liberty in a downtown New Orleans parking lot, I trudged through the thick summer air to my building. Once I was safe from the humidity inside the empty cinder block stairwell, I couldn’t hold it in any longer.
Tears started pouring down my face

I was broken. Overwhelmed. And I couldn’t keep going like this.

Sometimes it takes crying in a stairwell to know that you’ve fully hit the limit of overwhelm that you’re willing to accept.

After I wiped my tears and fixed my smudged mascara, I made the decision right then and there to find a better way of doing life. At the time, I had no idea what lay ahead of me, but it was just the beginning.

I can still remember how I felt the day that I decided enough was enough.

I started with a productivity podcast, hoping that would give me the key. Which then led me to a book, and then another book, and more books. Suddenly, I was completely overwhelmed by the amount of information available.  

Conflicting information. Information that didn’t fit my life.
Information that didn’t make sense, or seemed too complicated. 

Beating overwhelm shouldn’t be so overwhelming. 

And fortunately, It doesn’t have to be for you. 
Blueprint to Balance contains everything you need to get started on your path from overwhelmed to organized, and I’m so excited that I can help you save time (and your sanity) by sharing
the best of what I’ve learned.

You can do this!

You absolutely can!
And I’m cheering you on every step of the way.

Hi friend! I’m Anna — your Time Management Coach — ready and reporting for action!

Once upon a time, I managed the super hectic schedules of the most in-demand elected officials in the country. Congressmen, Cabinet Secretaries, and Candidates to name a few.

Add in a decade of experience in the 24/7 world of crisis communications, and you could say that I'm an expert at creating order out of chaos. 

Now, I bring the best of my time management and productivity know-how to ambitious professionals and business owners like YOU so you can break free from the overwhelm and wake up every day feeling calm, prepared, and ready for anything!

Meet your time management coach

anna Dearmon Kornick

Get started today! Register now for our free video series,

learn from me! Get access now!

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